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View from the Summit

Kano Kinnaman

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Success Attracts Success

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 29, 2017 8:39:47 PM

Do you believe that the company you keep has an impact on your success?

In View From the Top, Aaron Walker stresses the importance of seeking out advisors and mentors and surrounding yourself with competent qualified professionals. He tells readers that “experts won’t just come to you offering assistance. You must be proactive in education and always take the initiative to learn more.” One element of learning more is spending time with and asking questions of people who have already experienced the type of success for which you are striving. Another element is to read books and discuss them in depth with a group of people that are also focused on advancing their education.

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Topics: Business, Accountability, Masterminds, Success

Can’t Couldn’t Do It... And Could Did It All

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 20, 2017 7:05:00 AM

Have you ever heard someone say “I can’t do it” or “I can’t figure this out”? Perhaps you’ve even said these very phrases yourself.

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Topics: Motivation

Using Adversity To Our Advantage

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 17, 2017 11:22:10 AM

In the movie A Knight's Tale, the main character is told by his father that a man can “change his stars” and “that if he believes enough, he can do anything.” While A Knight's Tale is a fictional story about a peasant who became a knight, and championed over other knights in tournaments and competitions across the globe, there are real people who have proved this theory true and accomplished far more than anyone could have ever expected of them. Aaron Walker is a prime example.

Aaron’s book, The View From the Top, is the ultimate depiction of an ordinary man living an extraordinary life. He gives readers a glimpse into his own life, from being born into a family who had nothing—to creating successful companies and amassing quantities of money that enable him to live the life of his choosing—Aaron’s hard work and determination to succeed has earned him the admiration of some of the world’s top entrepreneurs.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Tips

Live on Purpose

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 12, 2017 10:23:51 AM

Living on purpose, or living with purpose, is one of the quintessential elements of leading a life of significance and satisfaction. If you don’t have a purpose, what are you living for?


One of the reasons Aaron Walker wrote View From the Top was to give readers the keys to living a life full of meaning and purpose. By demonstrating how to live with purpose through examples from his own journey, Aaron shows how an ordinary man can make an extraordinary impact on the lives of many people.

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Topics: Significance


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