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View from the Summit

Tom Schwab

Tom Schwab is the COO (Chief Operating Officer) for View From The Top. An expert in digital marketing with an inbound strategy, he lives in Kalamazoo, MI with his wife Karen. They have 4 children, 1 adorable grandchild.
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The Man In the Middle: Central to growth in The Community

Posted by Tom Schwab on Aug 26, 2015 12:49:00 PM

Do you have a Board of Directors?  Not at your business, but in your life?  A trusted group of advisors who can speak wisdom and truth into your life.  Men who bring a diverse view and experience to your problems. Men who have no financial interest in the outcome.  Instead, they are motivated by a mutual sense of support and accountability.

  • King Arthur had his court of The Round Table.
  • Robin Hood Had his band of merry men
  • Benjamin Franklin called it his Junta.
  • Andrew Carnegie had his Mastermind.

The men in The Community now have a valuable resource every month.

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Topics: Accountability, Community

The Community opens up blogging to all members

Posted by Tom Schwab on Aug 12, 2015 9:00:00 AM

As men, we were not created to do life alone.  At any stage of his life, a man should learn from others while simultaneously sharing what he has learned.  He should be a teacher and a student.  A mentor and be mentored.

To facilitate this, The Community has announced an added value to all members by allowing them to post their blogs directly on The Community site.  While only members will be able to post and comment, all visitors will be able to read and learn from the content.

"The wisdom, engagement, and inspiration in The Community is amazing!" said Aaron Walker, founder of view From the Top. "We want to help men live a life of success and significance."  Members posting to the blog will be another valuable tool for the men of The Community.

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Topics: Community

Relationships are the Ultimate Currency

Posted by Tom Schwab on Aug 10, 2015 11:50:00 AM

The financial experts have it all wrong. They talk about the strength of the dollar. They argue over if you should buy physical gold as a hedge against inflation.  They advise a balanced approach and diversification.

My approach over the last five years has been in a currency you may not have considered.  I'm all in on relationships, the ultimate currency.

Before you disregard relationships as a currency, consider what currency is.

  • A store of value
  • Something that is shared, accepted and circulated
  • It's worth comes from both parties agree it has worth

Relationships are the ULTIMATE CURRENCY.

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Topics: Relationships


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