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View from the Summit

"Christian Business Coach" - What Does That Mean?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 24, 2014 4:00:00 AM

I am a Christian Business Coach.


Being a "Christian Business Coach" really is about defining what is at the core of my coaching and business decisions. It's about clarifying that I follow Biblical advice and guidance in all areas of my life - including helping others in the business coaching process.

I have experienced great success in my business ventures through the years.

Because of this many people have asked me how I did it. They want to know what I attribute my success to?

The short answer is Christ.

Anytime I am coaching a new client I always like to make it clear I am a Christ follower. I'm not in this coaching relationship to just simply share tips and advice but a whole way of living and thinking.

My moral and ethical compass comes from my deep devotion and commitment to Christ.

This doesn't mean I think I am perfect or that I have lived a flawless life. I’m a normal guy who struggles with everyday trials and temptations just like anyone else. My pride and ego jump up and down competing for my attention everyday.


Without a solid foundation in Christ I know I couldn't have made it to where I am today. 

It would have been so easy, had I been doing things on my own, to get off track and missed what God had for me.

I work very hard to be a great life and business coach. I believe I have a lot of wisdom and advice to share with my clients to help them climb to higher plateaus. But without Christ at the core it is very difficult to keep focused on what is truly important in the coaching process.


What About You?

  • What or who is your driving force in life?
  • Do you resist the idea of a "Christian Business Coach"?
  • Have you ever had a negative experience working with a "Christian businessman"?

What are you doing to climb to a higher level in your life and business? I would love to help. If you want to start the coaching process be sure to CONTACT me HERE.




Topics: Character, Business Coaching


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