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View from the Summit

Come As You Are, Become What You'll Be: How to Create a Compelling Vision For What’s Next

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Oct 2, 2020 11:46:02 AM

there’s still time left on the clock. Don’t disqualify yourself from finding true vision in your life. I’ll promise you this much, once you get this part of life worked out, you won’t feel tossed by the waves. You’ll

Well it’s here, the last quarter of 2020!


How’s this year been for you? With all the new challenges it’s presented, how have you handled it? I’m sure there’ve been some struggles, growth, and everything in between. As another year draws to a close, I think about how important vision is.


No, not the ability to see, although that’s important too. I mean having a vision for how you want your life to be. If you’ve ever felt like a ship tossed about by waves, it might be because you don’t have a vision to guide you.


I want to encourage you all the same. We’re still here, there’s still time left on the clock. Don’t disqualify yourself from finding true vision in your life. I’ll promise you this much, once you get this part of life worked out, you won’t feel tossed by the waves. You’ll become the wave.


What Exactly is a “Vision”?


There’s confusion around what this actually means. You’ll hear of companies having a “vision statement.” This is the “heroic” version of the company they want to become. It doesn’t represent “what” and “where” they are right now. Those are also important, but in a very different way.


In our mastermind groups, we’re reading “The Vision Driven Leader” by Michael Hyatt. I like the twist he gives to the term, calling it a “vision script.” This is a nice little change, because we are good at following scripts. We all have ones that run over and over in our heads. They determine how our lives play out.


If being around a group of high achievers who create their own powerful vision scripts sounds good to you, I encourage you to consider joining us in Iron Sharpens Iron.


For men, click here to join one of our groups.

For women, click here to be part of one of our newest groups, launching October 5th.


Why Everyone Needs a Vision Script


Sept. 30 _ 3 PM _ AnyCity Formal invite to follow

I’ve talked about the need for accurate maps. If you don’t know where you’re going, you’ll end up in “no man’s land.” That’s why we’ve created a challenge for the members of our online mastermind groups. We call it “Come as You Will Be in 2023.” It’s designed to help our members create, execute and achieve a three-year vision.


Casting out three years may seem like a stretch, but it’s actually the sweet spot. It’s close enough to not be overwhelming, like a decade. But it also doesn’t let you off the hook by thinking, “Well, if year one doesn’t pan out, that’s fine, I have nine more to figure it out.”


Finally, it’s nice to know you don’t need to have it all figured out by the end of one year. That’s a quick turnaround for most projects! Three years gives you enough time to make plans and lay groundwork for truly great things.


Do you want to be a part of future vision scripting challenges? Click below to join Iron Sharpens Iron.


For men, click here to join one of our groups.

For women, click here to be part of one of our newest groups, launching October 5th.


How Masterminds Help You Develop and Hone Your Vision


As a part of this challenge, we challenged members to think long and hard about the future. What do you want your business to look like in three years? How do you want your home and family life to look? Are there any new habits or activities you want to practice?


By getting these juices flowing, we’re guiding our members to create clear, inspiring, and actionable plans. Think of all the great visionaries of our time. They inspire us by modeling and pointing to the potential results we can achieve.


Granted, “how” it all comes together can be a mystery, until it happens. But with vision, we don’t have to think twice about moving forward. If we have to adjust, that’s fine. The important thing is to have goals you can start working toward.


Our mastermind groups online gain a ton of value from this exercise. They’ve been able to carve out alone time, to put conscious effort into their future. They’ve also enjoyed coming back to the group and consulting each other on how their vision scripts sound.


Having another set of eyes on the script provides even more clarity. In some cases, members realize their vision isn’t big enough! This isn’t because the group says it’s bad, but because the questions they get force them to think about details they overlooked.


What’s Next?


I hope you see the value of vision and the support of a group of peers. This combination can put you light years ahead of where you are now. But it starts with dreaming and planning where you want to be, just a few years down the road. Don’t miss your chance to build a foundation of growth in your life. Click below to join one of our mastermind groups.


For men, click here to join one of our groups.

For women, click here to be part of one of our newest groups, launching October 5th.


Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Masterminds, Finances, Career, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Consistent, Move Forward, Preparation, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development, Decisions, Wisdom, Risks, 12WeekYear, Guide, Growth, Determination, Perseverance, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Network, Authenticity


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