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View from the Summit

Do You Have The Courage To Deal With It?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 22, 2015 11:28:00 AM


I’m a tough guy. Yeah, right. Sometimes even now, after thirty-seven years of entrepreneurship, I want to crawl in the corner, face the wall, and escape to a place where I don’t have to face reality. There are so many hurdles to overcome, hoops to jump through, and choices to make that often I feel overwhelmed.


It appears in many situations that there is not

an optimum outcome, just the lesser of two evils.


As I evaluate what I’m experiencing, I don’t see the light, I don’t have the energy, and I feel defeated. I trick myself and say I will deal with this later, tomorrow will bring clarity.                                 

Sadly, tomorrow brings trouble of its own,

and my big decision gets pushed to the side.


The pressure builds, others are counting on me, and I just want to cry, If I were not 55, I would. Life can dole out some doozies. I don’t have a fix all, but I do have a valid question. What are you lying to yourself about? 


What situation are you confronted with right now that you know what you should do, but are afraid to pull the trigger? In the depths of your subconscious you know exactly what you should do, but you can’t muster up the strength or courage. 


The peace of the familiarity and the fear of 

the unknown has you stuck. 


You simply pull yourself back into this complacent state of mind. Your eyes are open, but truthfully you are in a coma. Even though the pain is great, you know how bad it is. If you make another choice, you don’t know the outcome or the level of success or pain that will come. 


We invariably revert to what is known and familiar, and the taste of greatness escapes us. We are risk averse, and the possible rewards are not worth the cost. We reach what we believe to be our upper limit and tell ourselves that we don’t have what it takes or that we are undeserving. 


The normal course of life requires that we make hundreds of decisions daily. The path of least resistance is the road most taken, unfortunately. Indecision is a “joy thief” and is really an oxymoron. 


Indecision is a decision, to not make a decision. 


Life offers up so many great opportunities, and we can experience an unbelievable journey if we will just be honest with ourselves and make the best choice, not the easiest.


This is the process I go through every time I’m confronted with one of these seemingly difficult decisions. I’m a person of faith, so my first level of defense is prayer. I’m convinced that there is a higher power, and I choose to submit myself to His authority. The Bible is God’s inerrant word, and I look there for solutions. 


There is safety in the counsel of the multitudes, so I seek the wisdom of my mastermind and accountability groups. I am willing to be transparent and vulnerable to the point of letting down the veil and admitting I don’t know everything. There is a select few that I trust implicitly, and when I gather a general consensus from this group aligned with scripture and prayer, I decide. Set a time frame and make a public declaration to a few as to when you will move forward. Now, you are committed. 


The cost of indecision and the many missed opportunities should nudge you to move forward. So, what are you lying to yourself about today?


Live on purpose, 








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