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View from the Summit

Do You Know When to Lean In?

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 10, 2017 5:16:53 PM

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What does it mean to “Lean In”? Are we able to recognize important “Lean In” moments in our lives?

Aaron Walker defines this phrase as the action you take when you’re interested in a subject and want to capture every detail. As he explains in the forward of View From the Top, “Whenever you are excited, intrigued, impressed, or inspired by someone else’s words, you naturally find yourself on the edge of your seat, making sure that you don’t miss any part of the conversation.”

Intelligent People Proverbs 18 15 View from the Top Aaron Walker

Have you experienced a meaningful “Lean In” moment in your life? Think back to one of your “Lean In” moments and how it has impacted your decision-making from that time forward.

A good “Lean In” moment can be a total game changer in your life, and learning from the wisdom of someone else's hard-earned experience can be exponentially beneficial. Wouldn’t it be great to be able to capture several “Lean In” moments from a seasoned business executive and successful leader of men? Well, now you can. Each chapter of View From the Top has a special “Lean In” section at the end. Aaron has taken the time to draw out vitally relevant morsels of information and key points that he restates in the “Lean In” section of each chapter. Use these sections to energize yourself when you need a moment of reflection and inspiration.

Not only will you find valuable inspiration in the “Lean In” sections, you will also be presented with actionable information that you can immediately apply in everyday situations to accelerate your success in life, and business.

Some great examples of “Lean In” moments provided in View From the Top include:

  • Grit, determination, and perseverance are cornerstones of success. You’ve got to be relentless; you have to put in your time.
  • When you have the right boundaries in place, you will find that you are freer than you’ve ever been without them.
  • If you don’t fully engage in the moment, you’ll never truly learn to be content.
  • When you surround yourself with others who possess wisdom and experience, you will always be better off as a direct result of their life lessons.
  • Always be in a state of personal assessment. We never get to a point where we know everything, and sometimes we learn through adversities.

View From the Top delivers more than 65 critical “Lean In” moments that you won’t want to miss. Empower yourself through Aaron Walker’s life experience, and elevate your understanding of success by capturing the key “Lean In” moments that you will discover throughout the pages of View From the Top.

Pre-order your copy of View From the Top today.

View From The Top Book by Aaron Walker

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Coaching, Business Coaching, Tips


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