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Empowering Men Daily

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 17, 2014 5:00:00 AM


If you give some thought to your average day I would suspect that very little time is devoted to empowering others.

We go through our day trying to make ends meet. Spending 8 to 10 hours at work, 4 or 5 hours with family and the rest, asleep preparing to do it again tomorrow.

Have you ever gotten that unexpected phone call for no apparent reason other than encouraging you and sending well wishes for your day?

The follow up statement

Isn't it refreshing not to get the follow up statement "Oh, while I have you, let me ask a question"?

Well, I personally make it a daily goal to call or email someone with a word of encouragement, an applaud for success or just a kind word. 

The recipient usually is without words because the suspecting question never comes. He is thinking privately, what does he really want? 

Come on, you know it's true. Usually you have a selfish motive. You need something or want them to do something for you. I make it a point to not ask for anything on these planned calls. 

True reason for your call

I want the guy on the other end to feel special and appreciated, because he is. Everyone knows when you ask the obvious question the true reason for your call. Your sincerity dissipates like the morning dew when the true reason for your call is revealed. 

What an impact you would have on that guy if you just called to check on him. No other reason but to send well wishes and leave a taste of empowerment to your family or friend.

Go ahead, make the call! Make his day! 

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