John Lee Dumas is the host of Entrepreneur On Fire. A podcast show that is heard in 143 countries by over one million listeners each month, and he graciously invited me for a second interview last week. What an absolute honor and privilege to be 1 of 20 guest interviewed twice out of 780 entrepreneurs.
John and I devoted the entire show interview to discussing the value of living a significant life over just a successful one. Can they be lived simultaneously, absolutely!
The show will air December 10 on John and I discuss at length what a life filled with purpose is all about. We dive deep into the reason we exist and the multiple strategies of living out a meaningful life. Surrounding yourself with trusted advisors and mastermind counterparts are a very instrumental part of being successful.
1. Willing to work hard
2. Open minded
3. Serve well
Quite honestly, these groups are not for everyone. We are not for the faint of heart. If you can't take it on the chin, you won't be a good fit or last long. We get in the trenches, give candid feedback and uncover areas of your life that need elimination so that you might be the man God intended.
Most guys are not up for this challenge. Most guys are sitting on the sidelines watching their life pass them by.