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Essentialism and My Life as an Essentialist

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 22, 2014 4:49:00 AM

Essentialism by Greg McKeown

A couple months ago I was challenged to read the book Essentialism, The Disciplined Pursuit of Less by Greg McKeown

Deciding to read it was not a hard decision for me at all since I have been on this journey now for 2 years to minimize the stress in my life. I discovered that growing through subtraction is a lot easier than growing through addition.

I have learned to ask what are the things in my life that I need to eliminate? What can I stop doing that doesn't provide value? We can always add more to our plate, but I wanted quality, not quantity. 

Don't you want the best for your family? Don't you want to live life to its fullest? Have you discovered yet the immeasurable value of time? 

Have you discovered yet the immeasurable value of time?

When you become an essentialist you discover what is really important.  

  • Faith
  • Family
  • Relationships
Why waste your time with all the nonessentials of life when being selective and choosing the "best basic essentials" for your family is significantly more gratifying. 
Choosing great over good for your family is a really a sweet spot to be in. Non essentialist believe we have to conquer the world and have it all. We kill ourselves in the process, lose our families and die an old rich lonely man. 

Well, I choose to live as an essentialist.

I schedule free time, keep my family first and then die hoping to leave a legacy that exudes generosity, faithfulness and purpose. How about you?
I have started ISI (Iron Sharpens Iron) mastermind group that will help you to pursue a life of excellence. Striving for genuine satisfaction and purpose. When men join together for a common purpose, amazing things happen. Are you up for the challenge?

We will be reading through Essentialism and discovering more ways to enrich ourself and our families. In the ISI group we will be studying a number of great books along the way. I'm willing to put forth the extra effort and energy to lead my family to the next level. I hope you will join me.


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