Wow, has this not been a crazy week? We’re turning the corner, God has a plan. Hold on.
When we are alarmed our natural inclination is to protect, hoard, save and the list goes on and on, you get it. I have found, for me, that in times of duress if I can focus outward rather than inward I get better faster. It’s funny how that works, isn’t it? There are some practical tips for normal business times but I wanted to highlight a few here in case you are in a trance and don’t know which way is up.
- Offer an encouraging word. Stress is high right now, this could defuse an argument.
- Add an additional value that the customer didn’t ask for.
- Text ten people right now and let them know everything will be ok. Right now! Why are you still reading? 😉
- Connect two professionals today just because both parties need to know each other.
- Shoot a video recommending others' products or services and post it on Facebook. I’ll be looking for these, tag me, there could be a prize, you never know.
- Do something creative. Think outside the box. I’m giving away a $100 Amazon gift card on Facebook to the person who guesses the closest to this Friday’s Dow Jones average close. C’MON, put your thinking cap on!
- Send five handwritten cards to someone thanking them for something. Just an FYI: I have every handwritten card I’ve ever gotten and my break room walls are wallpapered with every single one of them. They matter.
- Get on LinkedIn, Facebook or Twitter and promote someone’s book, course, or webinar. Tag them in it and show them you are interested in their wellbeing.
- Here is a really novel idea: call someone and tell them how they have impacted your life.
- Listen well this week to your clients, peers or family members and send them a gift that relates to their interest.
Bottom line, get your mind off yourself and watch how much better the world becomes.