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He Sucks The Life Out Of Me! – Hate Answering The Phone?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 13, 2014 8:24:00 AM

Hate answering the phone? What about when others get YOUR calls? Learn how to make your calls something others will LOVE answering.

Hate Answering The Phone?Recent stats show that on average you check your smart phone 150 times per day. Wow, that makes me tired. Even with all that obsessive checking, have you come to the place where you hate answering the phone?

I’m guessing that when you look down at the caller ID at least one of these thoughts will usually race through your mind:

  • I can’t wait to answer.
  • I dread this call.
  • He sucks the life out of me.
  • This will be energizing & empowering.
  • I wonder what he wants?
  • I’m always excited to take his call.
  • He must want or need something, it’s the only time I hear from him.
  • Ugh! I hate answering the phone (thank goodness for caller ID)

While the phone is a great convenience it can, because of some people, become your own little traveling anxiety attack waiting to happen. This obsessive checking of the phone and the emotional roller coaster some have every time they look at it is NOT healthy or sane!

Now you can’t help how others act on the phone, but you can decide how you react and respond. So learn and set some some healthy boundaries on how you use your phone.

But what about when you call someone else?

When their display lights up on the other end and your name is on their screen, what emotions are they feeling? Why don’t you do all you can to make a phone call from you something others actually look forward to?

These are a few tips that will ensure others don’t hate answering the phone when you call:

  • Periodically check on your friends, co-workers and family for no apparent reason.
  • Make a call to encourage a friend in need.
  • Call to empower, not to criticize.
  • Call to give, not to get.
  • Call someone that has no ability to help you.
  • Make a call and make their day.

Oh! I gotta go and take this call! ~ Aaron

Topics: Life Coaching


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