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View from the Summit

He Was Kind, I Was Embarrassed

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 15, 2014 11:38:00 AM


A couple days ago a friend of mine, Matt Miller president of School Spirit Vending Co. came to Nashville from Texas on a business trip.

We met at the local pizza parlor in downtown Franklin. What a great time we had as we shared pizza with 14 other members of Matt's team. Laughing, sharing, joking and of course eating like there was no tomorrow.

Story after story being told as we compared the great state of Tennessee to Texas. One guy risking his life wearing a Dallas Cowboy jersey in the midst of Titan territory.

I shared a story

As the afternoon progressed I shared with Matt and one of his team our recent return from Disney. I elaborated on the turbulent weather and the uncomfortable bumpy ride home. 

Just as we were touching down in Nashville, the pilot aborted the landing. It was full throttle ahead with a severe angle of attack, going what felt like a 45 degree angle. 

I was trying to explain to Matt and his friend the dangers of microburst storms and wind shear. I promptly reminded them of the Delta crash in Texas recently and described in detail how the downdraft at landing was a dangerous proposition. 

Matt and his friend listened intently and supported my views on the inherent dangers of the storm. Both of them sympathized with the rough landing and said this must have been extremely frightening for our entire family.

Embarrassed was an understatement

Well, me being embarrassed was an understatement of the day. Moments later I ask each men to share a little more about themselves so that we might forge a closer relationship

I'll just tell you one thing that stood out: One of the men was an AF instructor pilot and transport pilot for 9 years and the other, ranked #1 in the U S Air Force fighter jet simulator instructor for 10+ years. They patiently listened as I explained aerodynamics.

Moral of the story: Let others talk first!

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