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View from the Summit

How Difficult Was It?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 24, 2015 4:27:00 AM



We were relaxing on a bench, trade winds in our face. We are at the south entrance to Castillo San Cristobal a fort in San Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico. Robin and I were envisioning what 500 years ago must have been like here.

Walking up to the Devil's Sentry Box while peering across the Atlantic, we almost could hear the faint shouts of the Brigadier Commandeer, "all's clear". Can you just imagine how lonely you might feel and how long the days would seem month after month with nothing in sight but a lone seagull? Oh, but when the dozens of towering sails appear just over the horizon, I can only speculate as to the adrenaline rush we all might feel. All soldiers scurrying to their pre-determined post, ready for battle. Months of training, possibly years all come down to this very moment. With only seconds of notice, they must be right, no room for error. If unprepared and asleep at the wheel, Old San Juan could fall prey to England's attack.


In my mind, I fast forward to today. I take a personal evaluation of my preparedness. Am I ready? Have I implemented policy and procedures for my life plan? During the down times am I preparing for the adrenaline rush that without question is unavoidable? Do we have contingency plans in case our best efforts go awry? Are we manning the fort anticipating what could be around the next curve? Are we shoring up the base in great expectation of what could be brewing just out of site, just over the horizon? What do you need to be accomplishing today in case those pesky little pirates appear? Do you have your life and business plans in order? Are your boundaries clearly identified? Are your cash reserves adequate? If not, maybe you should be calling in the Calvary. Maybe a brief meeting with the squadron platoon leader is in order. Who do you need to call? Who are your trusted advisors? As a life and business coach, I am very prepared and qualified to aid you in shoring up those much needed protected areas.

Live on purpose, 



experience a free iron sharpens iron mastermind group business

Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Masterminds


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