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How I Set Up for a Productive Day

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 9, 2015 5:00:00 AM


It’s very simple, but it's my routine. Starting my day early is without question one of the keys to my success. I hear guys all the time talking about sleeping in. I guess that is a good thing once in a while, but for me a really late morning would be 6:00 AM.

As a rule, I’m up between 4:30 AM and 5:00 AM. I prepare the coffee maker the night before and a simple touch of the switch the following morning and presto, black magic. The finest drink on the planet, no cream and no sweetener, just pure dark rich black coffee.

Starting out with a full glass of water, a fresh banana and 5 minutes in my high back leather chair sets the mood. Now, I’m ready for the day….

Starting a productive day

Being an avid reader, you guessed it, I start every day with the Bible. I start each day with a word from the Lord. He promises to direct and guide my path if I invite Him in. I love the book of Proverbs and if I read nothing else, I read a few chapters of it. From time to time I will commit to a study, like Experiencing God or Disciples Prayer Life. I spend a few minutes in quiet meditation, I’m not trying to connect with any energy or super powers, usually, I’m just trying to wake up, lol.

I do have a regimented prayer life

I have a list of family and close friends that I call out by name and pray specifically for each day. Once this list is completed I pray individually for every client that I am coaching including specific needs in their life. I then pray for peace, direction and wisdom.

Yeah, I’m normal

By now, it’s normally 6:00 AM. I then check my email to see if there are any pressing needs. I then check Twitter and LinkedIn, answer any questions and thank those that have engaged or followed me overnight.

As a rule I schedule only a couple one on one session for Monday because I have 4 Men’s Iron Sharpens Iron groups that I personally facilitate. I will spare you my weekly day-by-day schedule, but it looks very similar every day.

Listed below are a few tips that I have found very beneficial for my life:  

Go to bed early, same time nightly.

Build in quiet time for yourself, even if it’s only a few minutes.

Start your day with a spiritual emphasis.

Think about others first.

Plan early; write down your to-do list.

Live like today is your last, it may be.

You may have a different list and that is great, as long as you have a list. I promise you will get so much more completed if you have a schedule. 

People often fail because they have no plan. I help men everyday formulate a written plan. There is absolutely no way to describe in words the amount of completed task my guys accomplish now just as a direct result of writing down their goals. 


Do you write down your goals? Do you have any goals? Do you have a plan? If you need a little help in this area I would be glad to speak with you. Reach out at



Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Business Coaching, Masterminds


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