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How To Become A Priority-Driven Professional

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Sep 3, 2021 9:00:00 AM

When business owners and team members empower themselves to accomplish a meaningful goal, they achieve more significant results than a 9-to-5 employee. (1)


Do you ever work so hard through projects that you fail to take breaks? How often do you exhaust yourself by hurrying through tasks? Do you have to take extra time resting from all the effort you apply to your goals?

Now more than ever, psychologists and thought leaders recognize the essential role of desire in the marketplace. When business owners and team members empower themselves to accomplish a meaningful goal, they achieve more significant results than a "9-to-5" employee.

In a recent study, CNBC illustrated that only 9% of workers in America are happy with their current job position. That's insane! Many employees will stay for a paycheck, but science proves what your local minister and grandmother have been saying all along: money doesn’t buy happiness.

The teacher in the book of Ecclesiastes said: "The eye is not satisfied with seeing." Human beings will pursue anything to achieve peace and happiness in their lives...intimacy, money, fame, and much more. Sadly, people haven't found any true substance to satisfy their desires permanently.

Why can't we achieve satisfaction in our businesses and homes? What do we really want? How come nothing seems to satisfy our desires? Is there any hope for our dilemma?

Throughout history, professionals acknowledge how important the Sabbath is to a person's wellbeing. The word literally means "to stop." Stop working, wanting, and worrying. The purpose of the Sabbath is to operate in your life with confidence, peace, and joy.

To find a community of priority-driven professionals who can help you gain confidence in your life to achieve fantastic results, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

Isn't the Sabbath a "Church-y" Day?

Successful people never achieve fantastic results without first taking care of themselves. People spend countless hours pouring themselves into work, chores, and responsibilities, but forget to stop, take a breath, and remind themselves what truly matters in life.

Frequently, people mistake the Sabbath for a day to do absolutely nothing. That sounds kind of dull. In reality, the Sabbath is about rest. But where are we supposed to rest?

Dan Allender says, "The Sabbath is an invitation to enter delight. When we experience the Sabbath as God intended, it becomes the best day of our lives. Sabbath is the holy time where we feast, play, dance, laugh, read, and paint. Few people sanctify the Sabbath because a full day of delight is more than most people can bear in a lifetime, let alone a week." Take some time to let that sink in!

Professionals take a day of their week to appreciate what matters to them in their lives. It's vital because we need personal reasons to keep pushing towards our goals when our work life becomes difficult. Whether you're religious or not, it becomes a powerful motivator when you dedicate a day to celebrate, contemplate, and honestly, relax.

3 Ways To Achieve A Rest-Filled Lifestyle

In his book, The Ruthless Elimination Of Hurry, John Mark Comer guides us through the points of the Sabbath to achieve rest in a busy lifestyle.

1. The Sabbath Gives Rest And Reminders

Jesus Christ says, "The Sabbath is made for man, not man for the Sabbath." You can decide which day you want to rest. Everyone's lives are different and can change like the seasons in a year.

Professionals understand the value of taking a day off to spend time with those they love, meditate on their values, and enjoy their lives without fear or stress.

When you dedicate a day to appreciate what you have, and remind yourself of what's important in your life, the effort you apply to projects explodes with incredible results. It's not enough to just work. You have to appreciate the tasks you complete throughout your goals.

2. The Sabbath Fortifies Your Energy

A.J. Swoboda says, "We have become perhaps the most emotionally exhausted, psychologically overworked, spiritually malnourished people in history."

When people spend every day constantly working on various tasks, their energy drains quicker, and one day they just might burn out. Successful people recognize the benefits of having a day in their week to "recharge their batteries."

Make time to select a day for your energy to strengthen. Your motivation will last longer, and you'll achieve fantastic results in your projects. Oftentimes when people refuse to take a day off, life starts catching up to them in other ways. They get sick more easily. They gain weight. Their relationships deteriorate. Don’t let that be you.

3. The Sabbath Gives Control Over Your Life

Though it might feel like taking a day and doing nothing productive in it is a loss of control, the opposite is true. As professionals make time to apply the Sabbath in their lives, they experience more significant control of their lives. They find themselves more alert, more clear-headed, and more productive in the other six days of the week.

By taking one day to maintain the rhythm of your life, this mindset begins to trickle into every part of your life. Your workflow, relationships, and schedules begin to find peace as you prioritize a healthy lifestyle.

Don't feel discouraged if you struggle to practice these principles initially. It's a challenge to remember that hurry in our lives is destructive when life's demands knock on our door.

Through understanding, faith, and consistency, you'll begin to see fantastic improvement in your life. As a priority-driven professional, your mindset will become infectious, and your team will appreciate the energy you deliver to your projects.

When you make time to commit to your best self, you end up finding the meaning and fulfillment everyone else craves.

As you work through this, you'll need other professionals who can partner with you to achieve a healthy lifestyle. Reach out to us at our website, and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Family, Balance, Career, Fun, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Blueprint, Discipline, Decisions, Crossroads, Wisdom, Rest, Risks, Happy, Guide, RoadMap, Growth, Advice, Strategy, Mission, Joy, Truth, Schedule, Obstacles, Legacy, Purpose, Value, Investment, Journey, Freedom, Mindset


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