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View from the Summit

How to Get a Head Start on 2015

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 12, 2014 5:00:00 AM


Thinking back over my business career, I have tried to evaluate the vital few activities that have proven successful and dismiss the trivial many that paid little return.

Preparing for 2015 I have been evaluating my personal and business activities and trying to eliminate all things that don’t fit into my overall goals.

Early in life, I just lived life as it came. Hoping to have more cash at the end of the month and praying that no disasters appeared.  As I grew older and somewhat wiser, I realized that life will happen regardless of my preparedness.

However, there are many things that I can prevent with adequate planning. To have the mindset of "stuff happens” is a really poor attitude. Stuff does happen, but when you have made contingency plans and you have plan “B” in your back pocket life seems to be a little less stressful.

Take a couple hours and sit on the sofa. In front of a fire and look deep into your wife's eyes and really listen to hear reply as you ask a these simple questions:

Planning for 2015

1. What do we want to accomplish in this calendar year?

2. What task can we complete that will have the biggest impact on our family?

3. What financial goals do we have?

4. What are the trade-offs were willing to sacrifice for the greater good?

5. What are we willing to quit?

6. What are our 36 month goals that we need to start in January?

7. What charitable causes will we support?

8. What debt will we eliminate this year?

9. What is our biggest health needs and how we will plan accordingly?

10. How are we going to grow spiritually this year?

Here are guidelines to your head start on 2015 plan:

1) Create a budget two weeks prior the next month (If you need a great blank budget, email me)

2) Always write down your goals and date each activity.

3) Get an outside person to hold you accountable.


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Planning for 2015

1) What do we want to accomplish in this calendar year?

2) What task can we complete that will have the biggest impact on our family?

3) What financial goals do we have?

4) What are the trade-offs were willing to sacrifice for the greater good?

5) What are we willing to quit?

6) What are our 36 month goals that we need to start in January?

7) What charitable causes will we support?

8) What debt will we eliminate this year?

9) What is our biggest health needs and how we will plan accordingly?

10) How are we going to grow spiritually this year?

Planning for 2015

1) What do we want to accomplish in this calendar year?

2) What task can we complete that will have the biggest impact on our family?

3) What financial goals do we have?

4) What are the trade-offs were willing to sacrifice for the greater good?

5) What are we willing to quit?

6) What are our 36 month goals that we need to start in January?

7) What charitable causes will we support?

8) What debt will we eliminate this year?

9) What is our biggest health needs and how we will plan accordingly?

10) How are we going to grow spiritually this year?

Topics: Motivation, Family, Finances, Balance


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