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View from the Summit

How To Have A Good Day!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 2, 2015 11:59:00 AM


I had breakfast this morning at Panera, and as I was leaving, the cashier told me to “have a good day.” I hear that phrase repeated countless times a day everywhere I go. I’m not sure why today it struck me differently. I go through most days myself extending well wishes to others and honestly make that same comment, “have a good day.” It’s funny to me that we are so conditioned to automatic responses that we often reply, “I’m good,” and “how are you,” when we’ve yet to be asked. I pondered the question and realized that I’m guilty as the next person often running on auto pilot.


How would you know when you have had a good day? What is the recipe for a good day? What are the chain of events that must happen for you to have a good day? What metrics are you using that will mark this day in history as a good day? 


If you were to mark off each day on the calendar as to

 whether it was a good day or a bad day, how would you decide? 


Don’t we as a whole make our own way? I realize that there are obstacles and occurrences in our life that we are not in control of and I give you that. I have had so many things happen that have made me sad, angry and at times even devastated, so I totally get it.  These unfortunate events are not the pattern of my life; I want to talk about the norm, each and every day. 


I’m not suggesting that you run around everywhere being that annoying “Mr. Positive” that is irritating every single person. There is a major difference in being pleasant and being fake and over zealous.   


What needs to happen today for you to have won?  Is it a career win or a personal victory?  Is it a financial goal or does something magical have to occur at home to qualify for the “I had a good day” reward? 


I want to encourage you to try three things that might take you to that place, you know, the "good day place." 


The first thing I would suggest is to stop thinking it's all about you, just today, think about those around you first. As I was leaving Panera this morning, I stopped by the register and picked up the tab of one of their guest. It was $6.83. He quickly asked, “why?"  I just smiled and said “because I want to, no other reason, I just want too."  He didn’t understand.  I just wanted to get outside myself and think of someone else. I’m not boasting. 


I'm just sharing that when we start thinking about others more than ourselves it helps us to have that good day. This random act of kindness wasn’t about me; it was about him. 


There was no need to disclose my identity because then I would have been the benefactor and my goal was for him to have been blessed, not for me to be recognized. This started a wonderful conversation with him concluding that he was anxious to pay it forward. Just, to be honest, I do this all the time, and almost invariably the conversation ends with the same results: gratitude, thankfulness, and a promise to pay it forward. 


The second thing I try to do, and often it’s hard, is to give a smile. Sometimes we don’t feel like smiling but try, just today, to smile at everyone and see what you get back. Eight out of ten times you will get one in return. Twenty percent of people are miserable, and you won’t get a smile from them.  If you gave them a winning lottery ticket, still no smile. You have to look past that and keep smiling. For the most part, watch how smiling lifts spirits. Not only will you give a gift that cost nothing, but everybody benefits from it. Come on, right now, smile!


The third and final task, just for today, encourage someone. Go absolutely out of your way to support, empower and breathe life into a peer’s project. Maybe there is a family member that is starving to death for your attention. 


Do you fully understand that you have within you

 the ability to change the trajectory of someone’s life 

today with a simple word of encouragement?


The way I see it, for $6.83, a smile and a word of encouragement you could have a good day!  


Live on purpose, 










Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Character


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