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I Know What I'm Doing - Leave Me Alone!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 4, 2014 8:19:00 AM

June 21st will be mine and Robins 34th wedding anniversary and it's been an absolute adventure.

Husbands, love your wives and do not be harsh with them.Colossians 3-19 (1).png

Early in our relationship I pretty much thought I had it all figured out, and just needed to be left alone to do what was best (OK maybe I still think that from time to time, haha.)

I have had some reality checks along the way...

...that have proven how much I didn't have it all figured out and how much I needed my wife's insights and wisdom. As much as I hated to admit it at the time, Robin has had some incredible ideas. God gifted her with that sixth sense that women posses and more importantly He has given her the needed stamina and patience to live with a control freak.

To say to my wife, "leave me alone, I have this all figured out" was so arrogant.  It took me a while to figure out If I wanted my marriage to be all it was intended to be I had to possess these 3 qualities:

  • Honesty: How can you be one with your mate with hidden agendas? Honesty can be a challenge sometimes if your partner is unwilling to hear the truth. Are you willing to be honest? But more importantly are you willing to hear honesty about yourself?
  • Unity: Unity does not simply mean compromising or someone giving up their opinions. Unity in my house means after much debate, prayer and discussion we have agreed to pull together rather than against each other. Two oxes can pull 6 times more than one.

Working in UNITY is always much more powerful than working alone

  • Serving: I used to think serving meant being a doormat.  No, no, that's not what a servant leader means at all. Being a servant leader means that I place my mate's goals, desires and wishes above my own. Don't you want to live your life with someone who has more interest in you than they do in themselves? Don't you want to be instrumental in helping the one you love the most be successful? It is so much more gratifying to help someone succeed than it is to reach the top alone. Being a servant just means, others first, me second.
These three traits are extremely difficult. I have had many " Come To Jesus" meetings during my marriage. You will not master these areas overnight, and you will not always be 100% in every area, everyday, but perfection is not our goal.

What about you? Of these three areas, which is your strongest? Which is your weakest?

Topics: Marriage


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