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View from the Summit

Iron Sharpens Iron Women’s Mastermind

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Jan 31, 2020 9:25:36 AM

October 2019, I asked Robin, my wife of 40 years, to attend the live event we were hosting for the Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind for Men. The funny part is I had invited her eight previous times to attend, and she always said, “No, this is for the men, and I feel as though it would be awkward.” Every single time I pushed back and insisted, but she would not go. When I asked her last October, she accepted. I was so happy that she would finally get to experience a live event in person. On Saturday night, we had the awards banquet, which was off the chart amazing. Men from all over the world were overcome with gratitude and emotion as they stood there to receive their recognition. It was a live event for the record books!


Around midnight. I left the venue and drove home because we were hosting the event in our hometown, Nashville, Tennessee. When I got into bed, I leaned over and kissed Robin goodnight. Robin sat straight up in the bed, turned on the lights, and said: “I want to talk.” I’m thinking, you must be kidding me! Do you realize how tired I am? However, I sat up and said, “what’s on your mind?” She said, “what are we going to do for the women?” I said, “what women are you referring to?” She said, “the wives of the mastermind men.” I could not believe what I was hearing. This had privately been a desire of mine for years for Robin to be involved with our mastermind at some level. Many, many times, my clients’ wives have tried to hire Robin as their mentor. This was music to my ears, and I knew of the lives that would be affected in a positive light. So that you have a bit more context, my daughter Brooke is the COO of View From The Top, which is our parent company that hosts Iron Sharpens Iron Masterminds. Brooke has been with me from the beginning and honestly runs our company today. We started dreaming as to what an Iron Sharpens Iron Mastermind for Women would look like. We were hearing bits and pieces from our members that their wives wanted a similar experience to grow personally and professionally. 


So, we listened and acted. We first released this opportunity to our current members’ wives and filled up two groups immediately. Wow, what a blessing this is, and it confirmed the need for such a group for all the amazing women out there who want to grow in an outstanding community. Isolation is a terrible feeling, and we wanted to create a healthy environment for women to thrive. 


We decided to open the doors to all women seeking an incredible experience that allows them to share ideas, get help in every area of their lives and have others to hold them accountable to accomplish their goals and dreams. If this sounds like something you might have an interest in or the woman of your life (wife, daughter, sister or a friend) I suggest you click on this link to learn more or forward this email to her/them. 


If you are ready to go to that next level, I invite you to join us. I will say that at this time, the open spots are limited, and I believe the seats will fill up quickly.


Iron Sharpens Iron Women’s Mastermind is going to be AMAZING, and I hope you are a part of this outstanding community.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Accountability, Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds, Balance, Fun, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Commitment, Persistent, Consistent, Move Forward, Blueprint, Preparation, Integrity, Discipline, Clarity, Development, Self Development


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