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Is This a Limit or an Obstacle?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 11, 2014 9:05:00 AM

"There is a difference between obstacles and limits. Obstacles can be overcome, whereas limits cannot." -


When setting goals it's important to set them high enough to cause you to stretch and grow. But you also need to set goals that don't go beyond the limits of who you are and how God made you.

Are you trying to achieve something in your business or life to gain approval from others?  Or are you chasing after what makes you happy and lines up with your own hopes and dreams? If not you might be trying to go "beyond the limits" of what is right for you.
You can set a goal to "be the best banker". But if that goal is not birthed out of a clear understanding of your own passions and gifts and talents, you will be miserable in the long run.

Maybe it's time you identify the limits you shouldn't go past in your career or life. You may need to set a limit that says "To be a great husband or father I won't spend too much time at the office." Or maybe it's just as simple as identifying your strengths and skills and setting a limit on how much you try to work outside of those. Have you been having trouble achieving some goals in life? It may be you are trying to overcome some genuine and healthy "limits". It may be time to recognize, accept and focus on your strengths instead. If you do want some help identifying obstacles vs limits, my free assessment could be a great starting point for you. You can download it HERE.

What about you? What obstacles are you facing that might be genuine limits that aren't meant to be overcome?

Topics: Life Coaching


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