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Is Your Structure Aligned?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 10, 2015 10:47:00 AM

17 Tips That Will Serve You Well. 
1. If you want to get a smile, you need to show up with one every day.
2. Intentionally reach out to build new relationships. Make it a point to be friendly with those around you. People will not come to you normally, be proactive in reaching out.
3. Always give more than you promise. If you want to be rich and famous, give a little extra. :-)
4. Be honest in business deals even if it cost you money. You will make it up over the long haul. Don't be a sprinter, go for the marathon. 
5. Always keep things organized and clean. Cleanliness is very important in all we do. Who would want to deal with a slob? 
6. Thank everyone with a handwritten note or email. Listen, you want to leave a huge impression? Write a thank you note!
7. Always be on time. When you are late you are saying my time is more important than yours. You may not be saying this with words, but you are with your actions.
8. Try to answer every criticism with a word of encouragement. Dish out friendliness of epic proportions. You will win big time in the end.
9. Start any negotiation with words of affirmation. No one wants to feel combative. If you start negative, you will end up that way. Give yourself an advantage, affirm them.
10. Never take advantage of the circumstances. Just because it's legal or moral doesn't give you permission. Just because you can does not mean you should.
11. Try to put yourself in their seat. Would you want this done to you? If not, don't do it to them. C'MON, be considerate. 
12. Look at your glass as half full, never as half empty. Always take the high road. Be optimistic! No one wants to associate with Eeyore
13. Never quit. Never give up. Never say can't. Approach everything with grit, determination and perseverance. 
14. To me "no" just means "no" for now. If you stop at the first no, you will never be successful. Go ahead, ask them again. Or for goodness sake, ask them for the first time.
15. Look for opportunities to help. Always give and support those that could never do anything for you. If you are doing it just to get, you will never win big time.
16. Always buy quality. It may appear to be cheap now, but you will have to buy it twice.
17. If you have to offer an explanation or rationalization to what you're doing, it's probably not right. Hey, you knew deep down this wasn't right. Get up, dust yourself off and go live your life on purpose. Isn't life wonderful? You only have one, go for it!
Live on purpose,

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching


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