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It Is Not About Me

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 18, 2014 8:28:00 AM

Want a powerful leadership lesson? Remember this: It is not about me.


If you have not figured it out by now I’m a pretty hard charger. My day starts really early, normally between 4:30 and 5:00 AM. I start out with a cup of coffee, quite time, devotion and one hour of exercise. I’m fortunate to have a home office and that allows me to visit with my wife, eat breakfast and travel up I14 (14 stairs that lead to my loft office). My day is action packed with coaching sessions, blogging, tweeting and answering questions from clients from the previous day. I don’t want to make my day sound any more hectic or busier than yours because I’m sure its not.

One of the best parts of my day is when “It is not about me”.

On average everyday I will send an email or text to a half dozen family members, friends, clients, providers, sub contractors or employees and tell them what an asset they have been to me. I want them to know that without them I would be nothing. Without their help I could not do what I do. Without them my taxes would not get completed, my banking would not get done, or my grand kids would not have a safe environment to grow up in.

Without them the mastermind group is not the same, my lawn doesn’t get cut, the office supplies don’t get delivered and my favorite egg sandwich doesn’t make it to the breakfast table. One of my biggest joys in life is thanking others. Don’t you remember all those unexpected little “thank you cards” that have come your way? When that handwritten card comes in the mail or that simple text pops up on your phone and says you are the best. Sure, I know these people get paid for their services but that little extra thank you may just be the pick me up they needed today. I’m convinced that others come to our mind for a reason. Living in community and extending a helping hand or empowering those around us is a gift that is immeasurable.

Go ahead and make somebody’s day. Empower your friend or lift up a family member.

Topics: Life Coaching


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