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It Really Is The Strangest Secret

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 30, 2014 8:37:00 AM

Do you really believe?

AaronWalkerHowWeThink (2)Do you really believe in what you’re doing?

Is your occupation fulfilling? Do you have a purpose? Is what you’re doing on a daily basis having an impact on your family and friends? If not, why not? Stop. Take 5 minutes right now and perform your own personal assessment. Is the job you have really what you want to deal with going forward?

Are you going through the motions trying to get in your 40 hours for just a paycheck? When you lay down at night can you honestly say you have made a positive impact on your community, colleagues, peers or family? Are your children listening to your endless complaints and criticisms?

Our life and work can be so enriching and gratifying if we allow it to be.

What we put into our minds has a direct impact on the outcome of our lives. Are you desperate enough to make a change? We are never too old to adjust, and reorienting our most important asset, our attitude, can bring immeasurable results.

A few minor adjustments to your day will allow positive influences to rekindle that passion. Listen to the following link, “The Strangest Secret” -  it is a classic!

Topics: Business, Life Coaching


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