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John Maxwell on How to Lead Yourself

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 8, 2014 7:49:00 AM

Many people can lead others well, but...

John Maxwell on How to Lead Yourself - Aaron Walker Discipline .

..they don't always lead themselves so well.

They can lead organizations, they can lead change, they can lead a horse to water....

In a day and age when leadership is studied, dissected, reviewed, surprisingly we still find "successful" leaders who fail miserably in their personal lives.  How do we lead others but not ourselves well?

John Maxwell is one of the great thinkers on leadership. I always love his insights and thoughts on the subject. So when I was thinking about the subject of "leading myself" I wanted to find out what Mr. Maxwell had to say.  I found a great article, "To Lead Others, First Lead Yourself" - Here are some key points he shared:

  • Learning to lead yourself well is one of the most important things you’ll ever do as a leader.

  • The point of leading is not to cross the finish line first; it’s to take people across the finish line with you.

  • Leading yourself well means that you hold yourself to a higher standard of accountability than others do.

Please read the whole article here: "John Maxwell on How to Lead Yourself" Good read right?

What about you?

What makes it difficult to lead yourself?

What have you done to overcome "self" to become a better leader?

What insights might you share with a younger version of yourself about leading well? If you are struggling with leading yourself and you would like help developing a plan to truly become a "great" leader in all areas of your life, I would love to help. Be sure to grab your FREE life assessment or contact me to set up a consultation.

Topics: Accountability, Character


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