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Little League Or The Office | Balancing Work And Family

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 20, 2014 8:29:00 AM

It is a challenge balancing work and family.


If you are like me it’s been a constant battle. When my daughters were involved with cheer leading and gymnastics there was always a meet or competition and was it difficult to make all of the events. My heart was always with my girls but the mortgage was always due on the 15th. Being an entrepreneur and self employed never allowed me to count on someone else. If I didn’t produce it, it didn’t happen. Hence, the battle for my time.

The children never understand you have to work instead of watching them play second base. And of course the bantering with your wife because she understands but still wants your undivided attention for the families sake. ~ Sound painfully familiar?

Here are some basic steps we took to help us find that balance:

  • Talk openly about the dilemma.
  • Schedule in advance the children’s events that you can attend and put the family on notice very early of the events that are impossible to make.
  • Ask yourself if you could rearrange your obligations or work later to accomplish your task.
  • Could you enlist a co worker to assist?

The truth is our children won’t die if you miss a couple activities.

As a matter of fact I can’t remember any events my dad attended because he was supporting a family of 6. Today I am grateful for my dad’s willingness to work and give us the best life he could.

We are living in an environment where the parents are scheduling their lives and work around the children. I’m not sure what this is doing for the work ethic for the next generation.

I never wanted to miss any activity my girls were involved in and rarely did. However, there will be times when it’s inevitable and you will be better as a parent explaining to your children a missed event is better than financial devastation on the entire clan. If you teach your children to become a responsible adult they will realize that the best choice is not always the easiest.

What about you?

How would you rate your balancing act?

Topics: Life Coaching


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