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View from the Summit

One Bright Day In The Middle Of The Night

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 26, 2015 1:00:00 PM


Having laser focus as an entrepreneur often is a difficult task. What do you do when all appears foggy? Are there times in your business or personal life that you simply need a lighthouse? When a decision is needed, and all you hear are crickets, where do you turn?

I have been faced so many times over the course of my career with multiple options, but no clarity. Many times a wrong decision could cost thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. More damaging than the loss of profit or savings would be choosing the wrong person and ruining a relationship forever.

When you come to the fork in the road, do you analyze the pros and cons of your selected destination? I find more often than not a sense of self-preservation and personal interest have an enormous impact on our choice. Human beings, in general, are self-serving. If you will inventory your motives, and ask tough questions, you might turn right when you were headed left.

Watching men make decisions at the expense of their career, and more importantly their families, is disturbing, to say the least. We get ourselves into situations where pride and arrogance influence our decisions and make us think there are no additional choices. Many times we have the "sunk cost" mentality, I'm in this far, and now I don't see any way out.

I have something very important to say, and I want you to hear me loud and clear, please listen up.

You are never too late to make a drastic change in your present direction. You may believe in your finite mind that there are no other options, or you don't have the ability to see clearly how life could be. I want you to know that it could be radically different.

Do you have the ability to see how great life could be if you elected to make a better choice?We make unconscious decisions to do things that are familiar. We do things that we know are wrong and revert to a familiar pain, at least we know how bad it's going to hurt, and we tolerant the agony. If I do it differently, I don't know the outcome, and the pain level has yet to be determined, so fear forces us to remain where we are. Please don't believe this lie. Please surround yourself with trusted advisors or place yourself in the care of professionals. It's virtually impossible to understand and even realize the reason we respond the way we do. Please allow people that love you to guide, instruct and nurture you back to a good position.

Let me encourage you today to fear missing an opportunity to live a life of freedom more than you fear being transparent and vulnerable to the ones who love you the most.

Does the spot you're in right now feel like one bright day

or are you in the middle of the night?


Live on purpose,




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