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View from the Summit


Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 26, 2015 12:54:00 PM

  • Marvelous Monday
  • Terrific Tuesday
  • Hump day Wednesday
  • Fabulous Friday

However, we have nothing for Thursday. I don't even like Thursdays. It's really just a 24 hour delay for Fabulous Friday. It's not even positioned well. It's out of balance, not in the middle, not on either end, it's really off centered. No one looks forward to Thursday.
I vote we work 10 hours a day for 4 days and eliminate Thursdays all together. Take it off the calendar completely and we can even save an additional 52 days a year. Based on this new calendar we will all increase our life expectancy.

Sign this petition to eliminate Thursday. ___________________________ :-)

Hope you have a great day!

Live on purpose,



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