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The Makings Of Solution-Driven Marketing: 3 Components To Achieve a Successful Sales Funnel

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on Apr 9, 2021 9:00:00 AM

The key is whatever you offer, make it something that has specific value to solve their problem. (1)

When’s the last time you stumbled while trying to make a sale?  How many experiences did it take you to find a good marketing strategy?  Has your team missed the mark on the messaging for your business?

Many people struggle to understand their own message.  The common obstacle for all businesses is the marketing campaign.

Let me ask you a question:  On a scale of one to 10, how lost did you feel the first time you tried marketing by yourself?

Every business WILL struggle to make sales.  If your business wasn't negatively affected by the coronavirus in 2020, you're very fortunate.

Great marketing campaigns saved small businesses from the economic collapse.  They knew their audiences and how to approach them.  They quickly offered solutions to their customers.  A marketing campaign is the "Golden Ticket" for a business to succeed.

What most people don’t realize is your marketing campaign is not for your customers; it's for your team members. You're trying to get THEM to carry the message to the marketplace, so you have to make sure they're invested in it, too.

To find a community of value-driven professionals who can help you learn to deliver your message, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

Working A Sales Funnel

When drawing customers into your business, sales funnels are one of the most important tools in your belt.  In fact, value-driven professionals build their sales funnels FIRST.  You're going to need it to capture the customers that choose to spend their money with you.

A sales funnel does the following:

  • It builds trust and familiarity with the product and owner.
  • It allows you to reach out to customers and adjust your message.

Regardless if you’re an expert in marketing or don’t care one lick about how to sell, businesses live and breathe with a good sales funnel!  For a team to work cohesively, every member must know HOW to do their part to move a customer through the funnel.

In his book, Business Made Simple, author Donald Miller says to create a marketing plan, you must understand how relationships work.  By doing this, you drastically increase your business’ value and ability to say why buying your product matters.

3 Components Of Customer-Driven Marketing

After reading this, you may be thinking, “Big A, everything you’ve written rings true for me!  I need help!  I don’t understand HOW to make a marketing campaign for my business.  Where do I start?”

I understand.  It’s challenging when marketing your business is like “Shooting from the hip.”  But, there’s good news for you!  You can learn how to create a marketing campaign to drive sales.  Through understanding, consistency, and an encouraging group of people who support you, you’ll see the results of a great message.

When you build a sales funnel, take time to know your audience.  All sales are relational.  And all relationships move through three stages:

  1. Curiosity - Develop curiosity about you or your brand so customers associate you with their needs.
  2. Enlightenment - Focus on enlightening your customers about how you can help them.
  3. Commitment - Inspire action from your customers to commit to you or your brand to serve their needs.

After taking time to understand these principles, you can apply them in three simple components of a successful sales funnel.

1. Writing a One-Liner

When beginning a relationship with a customer, a one-liner is the perfect way to state what your business is about and why you matter.  Experts say it takes 5-15 seconds to form a first impression of you so you may as well take the time to craft a good one-liner.

A one-liner sentence has three components:

  1. A problem
    - “Hello!  I’ve tripped and I can’t get up!”
  2. Your product as a solution
    - “Here’s an emergency beeper to alert EMTs of your situation!”
  3. The result
    - “I’m sure glad I have help to take care of me when I need it.

2. Framing a Website

People rarely read websites.  They scan them to find if it offers what they're looking for.  Most businesses share too little or too much information on their website, leaving people confused.  In order for a customer to read your website, you must communicate clearly how you solve their problem.

You find out how to communicate by asking these three questions:

  1. What do you offer?
  2. How does this product make my life better?
  3. What do I need to do to buy it?

3. Gathering Emails

This is where most people "lose their balance" building a marketing campaign.  They get nervous because they don’t want to bother people with a sales pitch.  What if you could make them want you to send emails to them?

The key is whatever you offer, make it something that has specific value to solve their problem.  And whatever you offer, make sure your value is clear.

To keep your message consistent, keep to these rules:

  1. Make it short.  Being simple helps your customers stay on course in solving their problem. 
  2. Make it fancy.  Make your sales pitch as valuable as the product you’ve made.
  3. Make a solution.  Offering a solution will help bring customers onboard with what you offer.

After collecting the email addresses, take time to be consistent with your audience to show you’re the real deal!  People can be skeptical. We overcome this by building up trust through emails we send week after week.

As value-driven professionals, we achieve financial success by putting customers first and creating consistent marketing campaigns.  Take time to provide a straight-forward marketing strategy that encourages customers to buy, and feel appreciated while doing it.

As you work through this, you need other value-driven professionals to help you think outside the box to achieve our success.  Reach out to us at our website and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.


Topics: Business, Business Coaching, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Blueprint, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Wisdom, Guide, RoadMap, Communication, Growth, Execution, Strategy, Vision, Legacy, Integration, Purpose, Value, Ideas


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