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The Qualities Of A Time-Prioritized Professional: 3 Questions To Gain Freedom From Time In Your Personal & Professional Life

Posted by Aaron Walker and the VFTT Team on May 21, 2021 9:00:00 AM

success is found by “who you know, not “what you know.”


What’s one project you couldn’t complete because you didn’t have time in your schedule?  Were you left frustrated and your priorities scattered? How did the lack of time affect your personal and professional life?

When people take on too many projects than time allows, they slam the brakes on life. Professionals become paralyzed and unable to focus on their desired results because they haven’t prioritized their time.

But wait a minute! As professionals, didn’t we learn how important time is in our lives? Probably. But I still struggle with time management, and I don’t think I’m alone. More often than not, we forget the necessity of delegating important tasks to trustworthy members of our team.

There’s an old proverb, “Our eyes and ears only hear what our brain is looking and listening for.”  In the marketplace, we focus our efforts on how to create solutions. But focusing on “how” restricts us by:

  • Limiting our knowledge and abilities when accomplishing tasks.
  • Enslaving us by pulling us away from the goals that matter.
  • Requiring us to take one task at a time in a project.

If you focus on doing everything by yourself, you limit the resources and opportunities to direct your goals. For example, when tax season comes and you need to make sure you pay all your taxes, do you try to figure out the numbers yourself?

Do you have the time to do the taxes? What if you make a mistake? Oh boy, that would be terrible! Thank God someone invented Turbotax and accountants!

As professionals, we need to move from a “how” to a “who” mindset. By doing this, we free up our time to accomplish what matters most and develop relationships with successful people to achieve our goals.

To find a community of relationship-focused professionals who can help manifest your success, visit our website or apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.

Your “Who” Matters

In the marketplace, success is found by “who you know," not “what you know.” You can know it all, but you still have to choose how to allocate limited amounts of time. You only get twenty-four hours each day, and at least a quarter of it is for sleep. When you add family and business on top of that, you start to feel a lack of time.

How do you get it all done? Well, that’s the wrong question. Focus on “who” to work with, instead.

When you focus on “who,” you actually start to value yourself and your time more. Your life will simplify, and you’ll see how simple and fast you can live the life you’ve always wanted.

Before we can achieve our success, we must first learn to master our time. By asking "who" questions, we can accomplish 100 times more than if we tried to do everything ourselves.

3 Questions To Achieve Freedom of Time

In his book, “Who Not How”, author Dan Sullivan and Dr. Benjamin Hardy describe a series of questions professionals need to ask to multiply their success in the workplace.

1. Who do you need to accomplish your goals?

Everyone needs people to collaborate with in order to reach mutual goals. Whether it’s spouses, parents, mentors, or even strangers, we all need others who can help pull us to the next level of success.

The more people you know, the more successful you’ll become. As you begin to ask what experts you need for your projects, you can free up your time to advance your company and multiply your success. The next time you have a large quarterly project, don’t ask yourself how to get it done. Ask yourself who to bring onto the project with you.

Research says our relationships propel success, not willpower. As we make deliberate decisions in the directions of our lives, those around us help us go the extra mile to accomplish our projects.

2. What relationships are being under-utilized?

Speaker Zig Ziglar once said, “You can have everything in life you want if you’ll just help other people get what they want.” This statement couldn’t be more true!

When we pick who we hire, we often forget employees choose to work for our company. And in the marketplace, quality professionals choose their workplaces carefully.

Take some time to examine the people you already know and the skills they possess. As you discover employees who have skills you could manage better, they will want to work hard to profit from the mission. Their success becomes your success.

3. What resources are available within your environment?

Professionals can forget resources and opportunities that help them prioritize the essentials. You don’t have to do everything independently. You can find automations for just about everything, from emails, to web design, or even your grocery shopping. Don’t limit your imagination about the resources available to you.

It’s vital to recognize what resources we have available to free up our focus. Ideally, you should only tackle the tasks that absolutely nobody else can take care of. But that’s a smaller category than we initially realize.

A time-prioritized professional creates an excellent work environment by relying on experts to deliver success. You need employees with skills you don’t possess, and you need to empower them. This way, you and the team will go farther than you could by yourself.

As you work through this, you’ll need other professionals who can help you navigate your time and priorities towards success. Reach out to us at our website and apply to join one of our mastermind groups online.


Topics: Business, Motivation, Coaching, Masterminds, Community, Relationships, Success, Significance, Priorities, Tips, Commitment, Move Forward, Preparation, Clarity, Development, Decisions, Wisdom, Encourage, Encouragement, Leadership, Guide, Growth, Execution, Trusted Advisor, Advice, Network, Vision, Vision Leader, Experience, Purpose, Ideas, Journey, Connections


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