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View from the Summit

Sorry I Killed Your Son

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 24, 2017 9:03:54 AM


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Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability, Significance

Success Attracts Success

Posted by Kano Kinnaman on Apr 29, 2017 8:39:47 PM

Do you believe that the company you keep has an impact on your success?

In View From the Top, Aaron Walker stresses the importance of seeking out advisors and mentors and surrounding yourself with competent qualified professionals. He tells readers that “experts won’t just come to you offering assistance. You must be proactive in education and always take the initiative to learn more.” One element of learning more is spending time with and asking questions of people who have already experienced the type of success for which you are striving. Another element is to read books and discuss them in depth with a group of people that are also focused on advancing their education.

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Topics: Business, Accountability, Masterminds, Success

How to Turn Goals into Action Steps

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 11, 2016 10:22:57 AM

What are your goals for this month? You might be one of those people with answers on the tip of your tongue. You could be someone who hasn’t given much thought to monthly goals. In reality, there’s no difference between people who set goals and those who don’t. Having a goal doesn’t mean anything if it doesn’t inspire action.

Don’t get me wrong…it is important to set goals. But you can’t stop there. For goals to become reality, you must execute a plan. This is what separates the dreamers from the achievers—dreamers have ideas; achievers have plans.

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Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Success

Making Sense of Priorities

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 3, 2016 4:05:37 PM

 Aristotle said, “We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence then is not an act, but a habit.” The same could be said about October’s theme—execution. It isn’t something we do one time; it is a way of life.

Execution is one characteristic common to people who move from success to significance. They learn the things they do that make an impact and make them a priority. They also recognize the time-wasters and establish a system to keep hem from derailing their lives.

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Topics: Accountability, Success, Significance


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