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The Value Of Organization

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 16, 2015 5:00:00 AM

"I'm just not organized"! Take a guess on how many times a week as a life and business coach that I hear that statement?

If you want to move forward and make progress daily it is imperative that you get organized. Living or working in a chaotic environment will not pay dividends long term. Getting some semblance of order and structure will be very beneficial to your productivity.

Charles Duhigg wrote a wonderful book titled "The Power Of Habit", and it would be an excellent resource for establishing new practices in disorganized areas of your life.

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Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Balance

If I Had Not Been With You, Would You Have Looked Again?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 2, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Several years ago Robin and I went on an Eastern Caribbean Cruise. After a week of pure luxury & relaxation, we elected to speed an additional week in the beautiful South Beach area of Miami.

The hotel was beautiful, the food was superb and the company, my wife, was the best. And then, oh man….. and then, the trouble started.

As we walked down the busy shopping district, adjacent to the gorgeous coastal waters, my day was shot immediately. In a nanosecond, in the blink of an eye, my day was shot.


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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family

Healthy Boundaries

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 7, 2014 5:00:00 AM

In today's workplace the discussion of boundaries between men and women are practically non-existent. I have this conversation regularly with my accountability group and my spiritual advisers. 

Are there absolutes or is every situation discretionary? Coaching professional men is a daily practice for me and this is a topic that we invariably have to broach.

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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Career

The Longest Relationship of Your Life

Posted by David Krueger MD on Sep 19, 2014 2:24:00 AM

This is the first part of two guest posts by David Krueger, M.D. David is a writer, an Executive Mentor Coach and a former Psychoanalyst. He lives in Houston. Find out more at David's website, Facebook Page. You can also follow him on Twitter and connect in LinkedIn.

You're writing a story that you may not know how to fully tell. It's a very personal story with its own history and language. It's highly visible to others, but often not to you. As Loren Eiseley observed in The Unexpected Universe, "Reality has a way of hiding from even its most gifted observers."

It's a story that you talk about every day, think about several times a day. It is remarkably simple yet intricately complex. This story has an internal and external dialogue, a secret language, and encrypted messages.

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Topics: Business, Accountability, Character, Finances


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