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View from the Summit

You Just Can't Over Communicate

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 5, 2014 2:36:01 AM

I can’t tell you how many times over the course of my marriage that if communication were not intentional we would have driven off a cliff.

We have owned many businesses and my work schedule has been grueling. There has been and will continue to be a give and take mindset for both of us.

Our next anniversary will be 35 years and I will have to say we both agree that communication has been a huge component of our success.

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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Balance

John Maxwell on How to Lead Yourself

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 8, 2014 7:49:00 AM

Many people can lead others well, but...


..they don't always lead themselves so well.

They can lead organizations, they can lead change, they can lead a horse to water....

In a day and age when leadership is studied, dissected, reviewed, surprisingly we still find "successful" leaders who fail miserably in their personal lives.  How do we lead others but not ourselves well?

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Topics: Accountability, Character


Posted by Aaron Walker on May 30, 2014 8:16:00 AM

Making the best decisions on a daily basis has multiple challenges...


Working the right amount of hours, spending enough time with the children and being faithful with your thoughts and actions has its share of trials.

I am a long term member of a local community church and 18 years ago I was introduced to the practice of personal accountability. Resistant to the concept initially and unsure how this was going to pan out I reluctantly agreed to give it a try.  The selection process of 6 additional men was frightful to say the least. Some of the men I had long term relationships with and other relationships were newly made.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Accountability


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