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View from the Summit

Treat Your Kids With The Respect They Deserve.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 28, 2015 5:00:00 AM


Having raised two girls, now 28 and 31, I look back on how I did?

There are so many areas I could have done better, but one place I did fairly well was being available. I have asked my daughters as adults to be very candid about places I excelled and others places where I dropped the ball. We're not discussing where I dropped the ball today, haha. 

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Topics: Motivation, Family, Balance

The Value Of Organization

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 16, 2015 5:00:00 AM

"I'm just not organized"! Take a guess on how many times a week as a life and business coach that I hear that statement?

If you want to move forward and make progress daily it is imperative that you get organized. Living or working in a chaotic environment will not pay dividends long term. Getting some semblance of order and structure will be very beneficial to your productivity.

Charles Duhigg wrote a wonderful book titled "The Power Of Habit", and it would be an excellent resource for establishing new practices in disorganized areas of your life.

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Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Balance

Why I Give Money Away

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 4, 2015 5:00:00 AM

My mind simply can't grasp the opportunities I have on a daily basis. I'm very blessed and fortunate to engage daily with some of the brightest minds and the most goal oriented men on the planet. Helping men discover their passions and purpose is an amazing journey.

I have been around men that make tens of millions of dollars a year, as well as men that are squeaking in around the poverty level. One very interesting parallel among these men is what they do with the money once they have it.

At the very beginning of the coaching exercise I spend a couple weeks trying to understand the process each man goes through mentally to make decisions which includes his giving practices.

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Topics: Finances, Balance

How to Take Personal Responsibility

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 2, 2015 7:00:00 AM

Looking back over the past 36 years of personally directing employees has taught me a lot. I would like to admit, I did do many things right, and oh, did I make some horrific mistakes as well in my leadership style! 

Would I do some things differently if I had it to go over? Absolutely! There are many common threads, regardless of location or assignments, as it relates to human behavior. We as technicians, managers or entrepreneurs all have varying similarities in our actions and views.

Often our methods are very different but historically our goals are the same, we want to make forward progress. Whether I take this path or that one really doesn’t matter as long as we are not taking advantage of others to get there.

If you are a team player everybody will join in to assist you in any way possible. If you are just seeking the accolades and recognition individually you will be found out equally as fast.

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Topics: Character, Balance


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