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View from the Summit

It's None Of Your Business!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 26, 2015 5:00:00 AM

How many times over the course of your life have you heard "It's none of your business"? I'll have to admit that this statement is true, most of the time. However, I feel that many times this is an inaccurate statement used to excuse and shun personal responsibility. We live in a world where community is taught, and quite honestly expected, and for that reason I feel that many personal decisions are the concern and “business” of those that are potentially impacted. We have grown to accept inaccurate statements like:

  • “I am just doing my own thing, I’m not affecting you”.
  • “You take care of you, and I will take care of me”.
  • “I’ll ask for your opinion, if I want it”.
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Topics: Character, Family, Balance

Do You Hope to Just Wake Up Smarter Tomorrow?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 19, 2014 7:28:00 AM

How much effort do you put into being a smarter individual? I tease clients all the time and I say, “You are not just going to wake up tomorrow smarter”. I usually get blank stares or the inevitable “I just don’t have the time."

I’m like seriously? What that tells me is you are not making progress a priority.

Listen, if it’s really important to you, you will make the time. Go ahead, privately, be honest with yourself, admit what I am saying is true.

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Topics: Motivation, Balance, Career

What A Privilege It Is To Be The Patriarch

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 26, 2014 5:00:00 AM




 As a leader of my family I think about the awesome responsibilities that are before me on a daily basis. I'm the sole provider financially and that alone is a mammoth undertaking. Do you ever feel the weight of all the tasks before you? 


Do you give much thought to not only the financial responsibilities, but the relational and emotional leadership that you are providing? It is an absolute privilege to be the man of the family, the patriarch. I think about all the gifts that have been bestowed on me, like my wife, daughters and grandchildren. 

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Topics: Character, Family, Balance

I Am Entitled

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 19, 2014 5:03:23 AM

Over the years I have had hundreds of employees work for me in various positions. Either full time, part time or sub contractors. I have had long term, short term and others that just didn't work out for whatever reason.

Annually I would perform a review of their past years progress and reward accordingly and offer suggestions on needed improvements. Almost without fail during their first years review they would ask about "cost of living raise" or "longevity" raise.


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Topics: Motivation, Character, Balance


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