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Execute Well: How To Get Things Done

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 24, 2016 1:10:57 PM

Great ideas, detailed planning and good intentions cannot help you succeed unless they are backed by a strong execution strategy. As a successful businessman for 38 years, I know what it takes to get things done. Apart from having grit, determination and perseverance, you need practical knowledge on how to execute and get things done. Here is a list of actionable tips that can help you move from where you are to where you want to be.

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Topics: Business, Success, Significance

7 Relationship Tips for a Successful Business and a Significant Life

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 22, 2016 10:51:50 AM

Success is a good thing.

Building your business and being financially successful are important, but there’s more to a successful life than just making money. Don’t get me wrong, I am not against money. I like money, and I like making money. Money is an important thing - it helps you live a good life, it gives you freedom to travel, freedom to enjoy life, freedom to help others with it and freedom to spend time with your family. All I am saying is that money is not the most important thing in life; do not make money your God or your number 1 priority. 

Building relationships and helping people is an important part of your success journey. When you look at success from this perspective, your approach to life and business will change.

Today I am going to share with you 7 relationship tips that you can use to build a successful business as well as a significant life. I have used these principles for the past 38 years in my business and it has worked for me. These principles not only helped me achieve financial success, but also helped me build a significant life where I continue to help others. (If you like to learn more about my life story, read this blog post)

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Topics: Business, Relationships, Success, Significance

Men, Here is Free Advice from a Billionaire

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 13, 2015 1:18:29 PM

This week I had the privilege to meet Jeff Hoffman while attending a conference. While there were incredible pearls of wisdom, one speaker that stood head and shoulders above the rest as billionaire Jeff Hoffman. I can’t even begin to share with you how he rocked the stage. Jeff is a successful entrepreneur, proven CEO, worldwide motivational speaker, Hollywood film producer, and a producer of a 2015 Grammy winning jazz album. In his career, he has been the founder of multiple startups, the CEO of both public and private companies, and has served as a senior executive in many capacities. Jeff has been part of a number of well-known companies, including Priceline.com, uBid.com, CTI, ColorJar, and more.

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Topics: Business

Are You Considering A Partnership?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 2, 2015 12:44:41 PM


I get regularly asked what my thoughts are about partnerships. Over the past 36 years, I have had many partners, some good, some not so good. To be totally honest, I would attribute more than 50% of my stress to the partnership arrangement. 


When first starting out, it looks exciting, fun, and adventuresome and it can be, but there are also numerous considerations.


I want to bring to your attention a few very important considerations to implement into your current partnership or to strongly consider when forming your next partnership. These are a few things I have come to find important over the years. 

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Topics: Business, Business Coaching


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