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Five Things About Marketing a Product or Brand

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 16, 2014 5:00:00 PM

Five things I have learned about marketing a product or brand are:

1) Give full disclosure.

2) Clearly define the benefits

3) Give multiple choices on benefits and price

4) Be consistent.

5) Be on time every time.

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Topics: Business, Career

Do You Really Get The Big Picture?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 5, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Eastern Airline Flight #401 crashed on December 29, 1972. The problem was the landing gear green light failed to activate in spite of a locked in place landing gear. Focusing on the light instead of the altimeter the pilots and 100 passengers crashed to their deaths.

What "green light", or other insignificant matters are you focusing on that is going to crash your plane?

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Topics: Business, Coaching, Balance, Career

Five Things About Having a Successful Business

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 3, 2014 5:00:00 AM

What does it take for a successful business? Here's five things I have learned.

1) Customer service is paramount.

2) Be proactive in dealing with problems.

3) Always give the customer more than their paying for.

4) Always take responsibility for your actions and decisions.

5) Be honest and have integrity in all your transactions

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Topics: Business, Career

How Do I Start a New Business?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 31, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Not a week goes by that I don't get asked "Where do I start" in opening a new business? For the most part business men trying to start something new are short one commodity, money. Their debt is high, responsibilities are endless and there is no way to just walk away from their current J.O.B.

What about starting slow and deliberate testing the market? Spend time discovering your passion, something that gives you a sense of purpose. If it seems effortless and gives you energy, you could be on the right track. If you are laboring over the minutia, diving deep with no return or at the end of the day you are exhausted, run. 

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Topics: Business, Motivation, Business Coaching, Finances


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