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View from the Summit

Do You Hope to Just Wake Up Smarter Tomorrow?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 19, 2014 7:28:00 AM

How much effort do you put into being a smarter individual? I tease clients all the time and I say, “You are not just going to wake up tomorrow smarter”. I usually get blank stares or the inevitable “I just don’t have the time."

I’m like seriously? What that tells me is you are not making progress a priority.

Listen, if it’s really important to you, you will make the time. Go ahead, privately, be honest with yourself, admit what I am saying is true.

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Topics: Motivation, Balance, Career

Can Money Make You Happy?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 28, 2014 5:00:00 AM

This question invariably gets asked over and over throughout your entire adult life. I’m reading Business Brilliant right now and Lewis Schiff addresses the question right out of the gate in chapter two.

Many folks say that your true happiness is found in non-tangible things like a spiritual experience, for me it would be in Christ. Happiness is a choice, not a trait.

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Topics: Finances, Career

Five Things About Marketing a Product or Brand

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 16, 2014 5:00:00 PM

Five things I have learned about marketing a product or brand are:

1) Give full disclosure.

2) Clearly define the benefits

3) Give multiple choices on benefits and price

4) Be consistent.

5) Be on time every time.

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Topics: Business, Career

Healthy Boundaries

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 7, 2014 5:00:00 AM

In today's workplace the discussion of boundaries between men and women are practically non-existent. I have this conversation regularly with my accountability group and my spiritual advisers. 

Are there absolutes or is every situation discretionary? Coaching professional men is a daily practice for me and this is a topic that we invariably have to broach.

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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family, Career


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