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View from the Summit

Love The One You're With

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 11, 2016 3:34:24 PM


I’m a very strange bird. I’m fifty-five years old, which automatically puts me at somewhat of a disadvantage in many ways. You know what I mean, I don’t need to list all my shortcomings. However, there are a few advantages to having lived so long. It’s called experience.

Hang with me for just a couple minutes and then share with me your thoughts. I believe it would be unanimously agreed upon that you should love the one you’re with. Agreed? That would be pretty crazy to be with someone, and your thoughts and heart were elsewhere. Quite honestly that could even be considered sick. Pretend just for a second that you are walking on the beach with that special person, hearing the waves and watching that once in a lifetime sunset, but your thoughts are elsewhere. My heart is breaking for your loved one. I’m not talking about infidelity; I just mean you are not entirely present in the conversation. You are thinking, I would never do that, that’s terrible. The truth is, we are doing it every single day, and we are killing our intimate relationships.

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Topics: Character, Family, Balance

Please, Not Me. What Now?

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 22, 2016 1:14:29 PM

Walk with me for a few minutes if you will.  Completely block out all distractions. Close your eyes, drift into unfamiliar mental territory and dream. As you drift to a fairy tale type environment, you feel the stress drain from your chest, the never-ending tension in your shoulders disappear, and your clenched fists relax. You become acutely aware of your shallow breathing for the first time in years. Thoughts began to flood your mind that have been suppressed for months, possibly years. I want you to pull up a high back chair, sit in an imaginary room with window blinds drawn and nothing to distract you.
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Topics: Motivation, Character

I'm Insanely Jealous!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 24, 2015 2:54:33 PM

Invariably, the aftermath of a jealous rage is ugly to say the least. The anguish and torment we put ourselves through are immeasurable.

We ask ourselves irrational questions that are hypothetic in nature and expect logical answers to surface as a result of this inner dialogue.

 We attempt to rationalize our thoughts, and we banter back and forth hoping for a solution. We often compromise our character mentally, rationale sets in, but more often than not we make the best decision. However, there are times when craziness sets in. I’m talking this inescapable fit of rage like the Looney Tunes have arrived. What then?

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Topics: Character, Marriage

I am Paralyzed With Guilt!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 21, 2015 6:11:00 AM

Guilt is the fact of having committed a specified or implied offense or crime. Guilt can be a show stopper and a game changer no doubt.  It’s a natural built in human emotion that can be very beneficial if we listen. I welcome healthy guilt; it keeps me from repeating an offense.  There is no point in me asking you if you have ever felt guilty, sure you have.

How did you deal with it, or have you?  If not, you could be paralyzed. 


Over the years, I have done and said some boneheaded things. Most of the time I knew I had messed up the moment I did, but often it's later when the revelation comes. Sometimes we are completely in the dark of a misspoken word, standby, you will get to deal with this situation at a later date.

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Topics: Motivation, Accountability, Character


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