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View from the Summit

1 Tip to Change Your Attitude

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 28, 2015 5:30:00 AM


This morning early, just after Starbucks opened, I was standing in line waiting to order my plain black, tall coffee. There was a lady two people ahead of me in line that was getting on my last nerve. She was asking a million and one questions. I was in a little bit of a hurry, and I didn’t want to spend the whole day in line. She was asking, “what is the difference between this and that”. I’m like, seriously? It’s a cup of coffee; you’re not going to be making mortgage payments here. I’m not sure about my mood, except I’m an off the chart “D” personality on the DISC profile. Well, I needed to get a grip on my attitude.

Thank goodness, now the line is moving… When the next guy made his order, food and all, I thought, can you not eat breakfast at home?!  It sounds like I need a venti double espresso fast, or maybe not.

Before I kill somebody,

I need to do something nice,

and I need to do it fast. 

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Character

Are You The Squeaky Wheel?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 18, 2015 5:13:00 AM

Is this not the best time in history? We are afforded opportunities today like never before. The modern technology is fabulous, and the information highway provides answers in milliseconds. If I have a need or a consuming desire, within minutes I can find a solution and instructions on the internet. Within 24 hours, I can reach any location on the globe. Google will supply directions and an interpretation device that allows me to overcome any language barrier. 

Even with all this information, technology and modern day amenities, there is invariably someone dissatisfied. No matter how fast, convenient, big or sophisticated things can be, someone's not happy. There is a squeaky wheel in every group; someone's not with the program! Historically, this person talks louder, meaner and demands it their way. It's too cold, too warm, too loud, or he can barely hear it. I can't believe they charge this much for that or how wasteful it is to give so much. I've decided I don't want it. It's too much trouble, too long and considerably overpriced. I lost the receipt but I still demand my money back. No one will be able to relax until he gets satisfied, don't you understand, the squeaky wheel gets the grease. 

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Character

Why Do Some People Go Above and Beyond?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 17, 2015 12:09:00 PM

I find it very interesting where we place our value. There are a few things I'm unwilling to pay for such as

  • overpriced meals
  • fashion clothing
  • meaningless art

I'm not suggesting that these particular items are void completely of any intrinsic value; I'm simply stating that I, personally, am unwilling to pay for these luxuries. It could be my lack of understanding or education as it relates to these interests, or it might be I'm just too conservative for my own good. One area that I am willing to dole out the cash for is extreme experiences such as 

  • great entertainment
  • lavish trips
  • superb customer service
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Topics: Life Coaching, Character

Do You Check It 150 X A Day?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 5, 2015 11:57:00 AM

Recent stats show that on average you check your smart phone 150 times per day. Wow, that makes me tired. Even with all that obsessive checking, have you come to the place where you hate answering the phone?

I’m guessing that when you look down at the caller ID at least one of these thoughts will usually race through your mind:

  • I can’t wait to answer.
  • I dread this call.
  • He sucks the life out of me.
  • This will be energizing & empowering.

  • I wonder what he wants?
  • I’m always excited to take his call.
  • He must want or need something, it’s the only time I hear from him.
  • Ugh! I hate answering the phone (thank goodness for caller ID)
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Topics: Motivation, Character, Balance


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