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Impacting Men for Change Through Mastermind Groups And Life Coaching

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 29, 2014 5:00:00 AM

I was recently a guest on John Lee Dumas "Entrepreneur On Fire" podcast. 

The comments, emails and registrations have been more of a tidal wave than a ripple. With an audience that covers 143 countries and has an average download of 825,000 listens per month explains the depth and breadth of John's show.

I have received multiple interest for one on one life coaching, group coaching and mastermind groups from far away as Northern Ireland and Australia. This is evidence of the hunger men have to impact their families and their local communities.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching, Masterminds

Build A Career Free Of Fear

Posted by Aaron Walker on Sep 8, 2014 4:30:00 AM

Are you optimistic?

One of the most powerful tools you have is your attitude. When you have a good attitude, you are just breeding more great thoughts. I look at all obstacles as nothing more than great opportunities to grow, change and choose an alternate path.

Many times the closure of one missed opportunity or a perceived failure always presents an exciting new beginning. 


Are you afraid?

What are you afraid of? Fear is possibly the largest deterrent of success known to man. It really means false evidence appearing real or frantic efforts to appear recovered. Are you allowing fear of failure to hold you back from pursuing a meaningful career? 

If you want a purposeful and meaningful career you will need to deal with these two important human traits to move forward and accomplish your predetermined goals. 

God intended for man to work; we are wired this way. I battle constantly with the thought of who I am is what I do. There is nothing further from the truth. Yet who I am, has a great impact on what I do. 

If I see this the wrong way I will always be on the eternal hamster wheel. I will never me able to relax and enjoy life, I will constantly be moving the bar. Our self worth is so caught up in our occupation or the number of possessions we have that we miss our true passion. 

We chase other people's dreams or try to live up to someone else’s expectations. 

What gives you energy? This is how we determine your passion. If doing a certain thing is effortless and you gain a sense of fulfillment and gratification from it, you are in the sweet spot. 

If you can't wait until tomorrow to get an opportunity to do it again, you’re there. Your career was never intended to be something you dread.

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Topics: Business, Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching, Career

Are You Competent?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 15, 2014 7:57:00 AM

In my one-on-one life-coaching sessions, we focus on achieving fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

We do this by exploring three critical "competency" areas: I define "competency" as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.  

Here are the 3 areas -

  • Focus
  • Improvement
  • Balance
Just like an athletic coach, a life coach has to:
  • challenge weakness,
  • encourage strength,
  • and guide others to execute with mastery.
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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching, Finances

6 Reasons Why I LOVE My Mastermind Group

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 13, 2014 8:02:00 AM

Mastermind groups have made all the difference in my life.


As a member of, "The Eagles Mastermind Group" for more than ten years I have walked along side some of today's leadership giants.

- Dan Miller - Author of "48 Days To The Work You Love", Speaker, Weekly Online Radio host to countless thousands.

- Dave Ramsey - Author, Financial Guru, TV and Radio Personality

- Ken Abraham - 17 times New York Times Best Selling author

- And several other incredible men who have taught me what true success looks like.

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Topics: Coaching, Masterminds


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