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View from the Summit

How Does A Life & Business Coach Help You?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 10, 2015 6:02:18 PM


Twenty yearsago, when I was 35 years old, I never heard mention of a life or business coach. I was under the impression that you just needed to get in the game and figure it out. I read articles, books and news post to gain all the information I could in life and business. It never dawned on me to hire a professional that could walk me through the difficulties or more importantly point me in the right direction. 


Fast forward, it's now 2015, and my experience has taught me that it is necessary to hire an experienced coach in whatever arena I'm interested in tackling. I feel that I am capable of figuring out most problems or new processes alone and possibly even mastering them, but why would I want to travel the road alone, unaided, with no direction at all? Why would I want to invest the time, resources and energy dodging all the land mines and potholes? Why not pay a professional that has walked where you're headed, rather than get all banged up yourself?

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching

Are You Afraid, Again?

Posted by Aaron Walker on May 22, 2015 3:12:55 PM

There is no question; the number one challenge to your success is doubt. More often than not I hear, “I’m afraid of this or that”. You can fill in the blank. There could be a litany of reasons that you are fearful and for the sake of time, let’s agree that fear is real. If you predict a certain outcome and the results appear less than desirable, we instantly become anxious. I understand this feeling well and have dealt with the repercussions of anxiety many times in my personal and business life. As I grow in maturity, I’ve discovered that the majority of my fears never materialize. When I logically think through the potential downside, it historically doesn't end up as bad as the picture I conjured up in the beginning.

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Topics: Business, Motivation, Coaching

Unmistakable Memories! Are You Making Them?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Apr 7, 2015 5:04:00 AM


I have the distinct privilege of coaching Jamie Slingerland the Founder and President of J & R Photo. Jamie is an incredible businessman as well as an awesome dad, husband and faithful friend to many. 

The conventional methods of a client/coach interaction are totally obsolete when it comes to coaching Jamie. We tried numerous times to talk over the phone, meet at Pinewood Social, a trendy local restaurant and even video conference. Nothing seemed to hold Jamie’s attention like the great outdoors. These past 6 months have been an absolute blast. I will have to admit, it's been very productive. Recently, we've held our coaching sessions on Old Hickory Lake, Golf Club of Tennessee, Centennial Park, next door to the Parthenon, and various other outdoor venues. I’ll just have to be totally honest here; I love getting paid to visit each and every one of these places. But let me also speak up and say that these activities engage Jamie in a way that the traditional methods failed.

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Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Family, Fun

One Bright Day In The Middle Of The Night

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 26, 2015 1:00:00 PM

Having laser focus as an entrepreneur often is a difficult task. What do you do when all appears foggy? Are there times in your business or personal life that you simply need a lighthouse? When a decision is needed, and all you hear are crickets, where do you turn?

I have been faced so many times over the course of my career with multiple options, but no clarity. Many times a wrong decision could cost thousands if not tens of thousands of dollars. More damaging than the loss of profit or savings would be choosing the wrong person and ruining a relationship forever.

When you come to the fork in the road, do you analyze the pros and cons of your selected destination? I find more often than not a sense of self-preservation and personal interest have an enormous impact on our choice. Human beings, in general, are self-serving. If you will inventory your motives, and ask tough questions, you might turn right when you were headed left.

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Topics: Motivation, Coaching


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