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View from the Summit

Treat Your Kids With The Respect They Deserve.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 28, 2015 5:00:00 AM


Having raised two girls, now 28 and 31, I look back on how I did?

There are so many areas I could have done better, but one place I did fairly well was being available. I have asked my daughters as adults to be very candid about places I excelled and others places where I dropped the ball. We're not discussing where I dropped the ball today, haha. 

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Topics: Motivation, Family, Balance

The Empty Chair

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 27, 2015 5:00:00 AM


It was very early this morning and I was sitting in my sunroom, going through my normal ritual of prayer and meditation.

It was dark in the room, coffee in hand; the only light shinning was a reflection from the snow. Going over a mental list of family, friends and clients made me extremely conscience of those I so deeply care about. Looking at the two matching chairs on the opposite side of the room made me uncomfortably aware that someday, one of them would be empty. Oh no, this is impossible, that can't be true. This is where we drink morning coffee, watch the birds and plan our day. This is the very location that's designated for our afternoon reflections. This is where we share our successes and address our trials. However, one day, hopefully not very soon, one chair will be empty.

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Topics: Motivation, Marriage, Family

It's None Of Your Business!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 26, 2015 5:00:00 AM

How many times over the course of your life have you heard "It's none of your business"? I'll have to admit that this statement is true, most of the time. However, I feel that many times this is an inaccurate statement used to excuse and shun personal responsibility. We live in a world where community is taught, and quite honestly expected, and for that reason I feel that many personal decisions are the concern and “business” of those that are potentially impacted. We have grown to accept inaccurate statements like:

  • “I am just doing my own thing, I’m not affecting you”.
  • “You take care of you, and I will take care of me”.
  • “I’ll ask for your opinion, if I want it”.
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Topics: Character, Family, Balance

Fighting? How to Take Off the Gloves!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 16, 2015 5:30:00 AM

If you are like me, there are times in your life where it appears that your always fighting, either with the kids or your wife. There was at any moment the possibility of a minor war zone, land-mines planted just below the surface. 

I could pick any battle and have a horrendous fight that could last for hours.

We have become so busy with activities that we have forgotten how to enjoy life. When my daughters were involved with various school activities or the seasonal sport of the moment, there was always a game or competition.

Quite honestly, many times it was difficult to make every one. My heart was always with my girls but the mortgage was invariably due on the 15th, every month!

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Topics: Motivation, Character, Family


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