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View from the Summit

Men, What is Your Motive?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 5, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Many years ago I would work tirelessly around the house helping Robin with various tasks and I was relentless with to-do list. Quite honestly, all for the wrong reason. Don't get me wrong, I wanted to help but I wanted to be noticed more.

When all my efforts went unnoticed or unappreciated, I sulked. I wanted those words of affirmation or recognition that I felt was due and payable. I wanted to be viewed as a great husband by Robin and I wanted to feel as though my dues were being paid. 

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Topics: Motivation, Coaching, Marriage, Family

If I Had Not Been With You, Would You Have Looked Again?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 2, 2015 6:00:00 AM

Several years ago Robin and I went on an Eastern Caribbean Cruise. After a week of pure luxury & relaxation, we elected to speed an additional week in the beautiful South Beach area of Miami.

The hotel was beautiful, the food was superb and the company, my wife, was the best. And then, oh man….. and then, the trouble started.

As we walked down the busy shopping district, adjacent to the gorgeous coastal waters, my day was shot immediately. In a nanosecond, in the blink of an eye, my day was shot.


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Topics: Accountability, Character, Marriage, Family

A Story Worth Repeating

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 29, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Late in the day on a beautiful October afternoon, my brother Mike Walker called and ask if I would accompany him to inspect a real estate investment. The property was very close to Nashville, Tennessee in a small, quaint little city called Old Hickory, the home of Andrew Jackson.

Only two miles from the Hermitage was this cool three bedroom house that would not last long. I agreed to meet Mike at 5:00 PM.

Arriving 15 minutes early, and noticing an elderly gentleman standing in his front yard across the street, I decided to do a little investigative work on the neighborhood.

What an accommodating gentleman he was. He proceeded to invite me in to inspect his house, because he also was contemplating selling.

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Topics: Family

Do You Need an Attitude Adjustment? I Did!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 24, 2014 5:00:00 AM


5:35 AM this morning I leaned over to plug in the Christmas tree lights. I sat in my comfortable leather chair to start my day like I do 365 days a year. As I stared at the tree, memories raced through my head, some good, some not so good.

I felt a smile engross my face as good times reappeared in my mind and I felt the smile dissipate as I reflected on troubled times and missed opportunities with loved ones and friends. A week ago Robin and I sat at the kitchen table having dinner and she confronted me with tears in her eyes and said that I was robbing her of Christmas joy.

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Topics: Motivation, Family


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