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View from the Summit

My Friend David Landrith Was A Leader!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Dec 22, 2014 5:00:00 AM

David Landrith made a significant impact on me in two very distinct ways. The obvious way, as a pastor, was the spiritual disciplines he taught. However, his leadership style left an indelible impression on my life.

David was without question one of the greatest leaders to ever exist. David could walk into the room and excitement, warmth, sincerity and laughter penetrated the silence. David was the type of leader that after a “State Of The Church” you wanted to charge the mountain. He not only was a great leader, but he was sold out on wanting to lead people to know the Lord, he never took his eye off the prize, an eternity with Christ. 

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Topics: Family

What A Privilege It Is To Be The Patriarch

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 26, 2014 5:00:00 AM




 As a leader of my family I think about the awesome responsibilities that are before me on a daily basis. I'm the sole provider financially and that alone is a mammoth undertaking. Do you ever feel the weight of all the tasks before you? 


Do you give much thought to not only the financial responsibilities, but the relational and emotional leadership that you are providing? It is an absolute privilege to be the man of the family, the patriarch. I think about all the gifts that have been bestowed on me, like my wife, daughters and grandchildren. 

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Topics: Character, Family, Balance

Locked Doors and Fences: How Many Have You Breached?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 21, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Ask the Secret Service how effective fences are? Maybe a locked front door would have helped, or would it?

Seeing a boundary, such as a fence or checking the front door by a passerby to reveal open or closed is a normal occurrence. When we gain unlawful entry into posted areas or cross fences that are clearly marked we have violated others privacy.

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Topics: Character, Family

How to Get a Head Start on 2015

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 12, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Thinking back over my business career, I have tried to evaluate the vital few activities that have proven successful and dismiss the trivial many that paid little return.

Preparing for 2015 I have been evaluating my personal and business activities and trying to eliminate all things that don’t fit into my overall goals.

Early in life, I just lived life as it came. Hoping to have more cash at the end of the month and praying that no disasters appeared.  As I grew older and somewhat wiser, I realized that life will happen regardless of my preparedness.

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Topics: Motivation, Family, Finances, Balance


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