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View from the Summit

Fear Missing An Opportunity More Than You Fear Failure

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 9, 2015 10:13:00 AM


Fear is the number one hurdle to success. Not a day goes by that I don't hear someone blame their fears. I'm afraid of this....I'm afraid of that.....I'm afraid when.....you get the point, people are afraid. As a life and business coach one of my first objectives is to discover what their afraid of, and why. Probing around usually uncovers the little "demon in the shadows". That little voice that is whispering in your ear, "you can't do it" or "if you do try and it fails, everyone will know". Have you ever experienced those underlying currents that plague us from the get go?


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Topics: Business, Motivation, Character, Finances

Why I Give Money Away

Posted by Aaron Walker on Feb 4, 2015 5:00:00 AM

My mind simply can't grasp the opportunities I have on a daily basis. I'm very blessed and fortunate to engage daily with some of the brightest minds and the most goal oriented men on the planet. Helping men discover their passions and purpose is an amazing journey.

I have been around men that make tens of millions of dollars a year, as well as men that are squeaking in around the poverty level. One very interesting parallel among these men is what they do with the money once they have it.

At the very beginning of the coaching exercise I spend a couple weeks trying to understand the process each man goes through mentally to make decisions which includes his giving practices.

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Topics: Finances, Balance

How I Get New Clients, Without Asking!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jan 14, 2015 5:00:00 AM

Competing in sales competitions during school was without question a catalyst for me in pursuing my love for business. I had a few early victories that afforded me an opportunity at the next event. Then, all of a sudden it became a game. I was sucked into the never-ending vortex of competing.

I was never competitive in sports, but sales had rung the entrepreneurial bell. Discovering what worked, and what didn't, as I went from competition to competition was very intriguing to me to say the least.

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Topics: Business, Character, Finances

Can Money Make You Happy?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 28, 2014 5:00:00 AM

This question invariably gets asked over and over throughout your entire adult life. I’m reading Business Brilliant right now and Lewis Schiff addresses the question right out of the gate in chapter two.

Many folks say that your true happiness is found in non-tangible things like a spiritual experience, for me it would be in Christ. Happiness is a choice, not a trait.

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Topics: Finances, Career


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