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View from the Summit

How to Get a Head Start on 2015

Posted by Aaron Walker on Nov 12, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Thinking back over my business career, I have tried to evaluate the vital few activities that have proven successful and dismiss the trivial many that paid little return.

Preparing for 2015 I have been evaluating my personal and business activities and trying to eliminate all things that don’t fit into my overall goals.

Early in life, I just lived life as it came. Hoping to have more cash at the end of the month and praying that no disasters appeared.  As I grew older and somewhat wiser, I realized that life will happen regardless of my preparedness.

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Topics: Motivation, Family, Finances, Balance

How Do I Start a New Business?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 31, 2014 5:00:00 AM

Not a week goes by that I don't get asked "Where do I start" in opening a new business? For the most part business men trying to start something new are short one commodity, money. Their debt is high, responsibilities are endless and there is no way to just walk away from their current J.O.B.

What about starting slow and deliberate testing the market? Spend time discovering your passion, something that gives you a sense of purpose. If it seems effortless and gives you energy, you could be on the right track. If you are laboring over the minutia, diving deep with no return or at the end of the day you are exhausted, run. 

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Topics: Business, Motivation, Business Coaching, Finances

I Don't Believe Less is More

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 12, 2014 1:50:00 AM

Where I went to school this equation would not fly. Even to say less is more is crazy. I mean, come on, 4 is greater than 2 and so on. But what I do know now as a 53 year old successful businessman is more often than not less is better.

I chased all the glitz and glamour only to find an empty chest at the base of the rainbow. Each and every milestone revealed more cash and less time.

In no way do I want to minimize my desire to succeed financially because I love to make money. I just don't want money to own me.

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Topics: Coaching, Family, Finances, Balance

5 Things About Managing Money

Posted by Aaron Walker on Oct 10, 2014 3:37:44 AM

Here's five things I have learned about managing money:

  1. Spend less than you make
  2. Tithe on your earnings to your local church
  3. Invest for the long haul
  4. Pay all your bills on time
  5. Save for the rainy days, they're coming.
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Topics: Finances


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