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View from the Summit

Money and Happiness: The Real Relationship

Posted by David Krueger MD on Sep 22, 2014 5:00:00 AM

This is the second part of two guest posts by David Krueger, M.D. David is a writer, an Executive Mentor Coach and a former Psychoanalyst. He lives in Houston. Find out more at David's website, and Facebook Page. You can also follow him on Twitter and connect in LinkedIn.

Money can solve many problems, or at least make them easier. A very successful businessman once told me, “I’ve never seen a problem that money has made worse.” With the exception of drug addiction, he probably has a point.

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Topics: Business, Finances

The Longest Relationship of Your Life

Posted by David Krueger MD on Sep 19, 2014 2:24:00 AM

This is the first part of two guest posts by David Krueger, M.D. David is a writer, an Executive Mentor Coach and a former Psychoanalyst. He lives in Houston. Find out more at David's website, Facebook Page. You can also follow him on Twitter and connect in LinkedIn.

You're writing a story that you may not know how to fully tell. It's a very personal story with its own history and language. It's highly visible to others, but often not to you. As Loren Eiseley observed in The Unexpected Universe, "Reality has a way of hiding from even its most gifted observers."

It's a story that you talk about every day, think about several times a day. It is remarkably simple yet intricately complex. This story has an internal and external dialogue, a secret language, and encrypted messages.

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Topics: Business, Accountability, Character, Finances

Are You Competent?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 15, 2014 7:57:00 AM

In my one-on-one life-coaching sessions, we focus on achieving fulfillment and satisfaction in life.

We do this by exploring three critical "competency" areas: I define "competency" as the ability to do something successfully or efficiently.  

Here are the 3 areas -

  • Focus
  • Improvement
  • Balance
Just like an athletic coach, a life coach has to:
  • challenge weakness,
  • encourage strength,
  • and guide others to execute with mastery.
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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Business Coaching, Finances

How To Know If It Is The Best Time To Buy A Vacation Home?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jun 16, 2014 8:26:00 AM

Knowing the best time to buy a vacation home is something you really need to think wisely through.


I understand the appeal and the “emotions” involved having owned two of my own vacation properties. I bought a really beautiful home years ago in the hills of the Smokey Mountains. It was called Cobly Knobb and it overlooked Bent Creek Golf Course, a really beautiful place. I kept this property for about 10 years.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Finances


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