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View from the Summit

1 Tip to Change Your Attitude

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 28, 2015 5:30:00 AM


This morning early, just after Starbucks opened, I was standing in line waiting to order my plain black, tall coffee. There was a lady two people ahead of me in line that was getting on my last nerve. She was asking a million and one questions. I was in a little bit of a hurry, and I didn’t want to spend the whole day in line. She was asking, “what is the difference between this and that”. I’m like, seriously? It’s a cup of coffee; you’re not going to be making mortgage payments here. I’m not sure about my mood, except I’m an off the chart “D” personality on the DISC profile. Well, I needed to get a grip on my attitude.

Thank goodness, now the line is moving… When the next guy made his order, food and all, I thought, can you not eat breakfast at home?!  It sounds like I need a venti double espresso fast, or maybe not.

Before I kill somebody,

I need to do something nice,

and I need to do it fast. 

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Character

Coincidence? I Don't Think So!

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 25, 2015 5:11:00 AM



In 1995, I bought a burned down building in Madison, Tennessee just ten miles north of Nashville. At the time, I was in the retail business, and I was expanding one of my locations. The new building would consist of 5,000 square feet, half of that being storage. I bought the location, hired a local architect to draw the plans and came to the stark realization one afternoon that I had royally messed up. The new facility was too small. Oh my goodness, what was I going to do? I was sick to my stomach; I wanted to puke. How could I make such an error? My business partner was counting on me to make a good decision, after all, it was my bright idea. Wow, now didn't I look all intelligent? What a moron, one blabbing idiot, was at the helm of a very expensive decision. With my tail tucked low, head lowered I spilled the beans to my partner, hoping he would not shoot me. Hey, don't be too rough on me, I was just 34.

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Topics: Business, Life Coaching

How Difficult Was It?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 24, 2015 4:27:00 AM


We were relaxing on a bench, trade winds in our face. We are at the south entrance to Castillo San Cristobal a fort in San Juan National Historic Site, Puerto Rico. Robin and I were envisioning what 500 years ago must have been like here.

Walking up to the Devil's Sentry Box while peering across the Atlantic, we almost could hear the faint shouts of the Brigadier Commandeer, "all's clear". Can you just imagine how lonely you might feel and how long the days would seem month after month with nothing in sight but a lone seagull? Oh, but when the dozens of towering sails appear just over the horizon, I can only speculate as to the adrenaline rush we all might feel. All soldiers scurrying to their pre-determined post, ready for battle. Months of training, possibly years all come down to this very moment. With only seconds of notice, they must be right, no room for error. If unprepared and asleep at the wheel, Old San Juan could fall prey to England's attack.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Masterminds

Winning Is Never Out Of Reach.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Mar 23, 2015 9:18:00 AM



I was mesmerized standing atop the scenic overview. It didn't seem to bother me any that it was pouring down rain. The Westerdam of Holland America and The Princes of Norwegian looked like toys in the harbor of Charlotte Amalie. Visiting the highest point of the island allowed panoramic views of St Thomas. For many reasons, this is my favorite island. Robin and I honeymooned here 35 years ago, and we have made four subsequent visits. Tourism remains the number one industry, and it is very evident based on the number of jewelry stores. I have made my fair share of contributions to the precious metals and gemstones portion of Robin's portfolio. However, it's not the stores that continue to lure us back it's the warm hospitality of the islanders and the endless turquoise water.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Motivation, Marriage


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