View from the Summit

How Do You Measure Success?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 6, 2014 9:08:00 AM

I found this message from the late, great "Coach" John Wooden where he shares some great insights into what success is all about.

John was one of the most revered coaches in sport's history and knew a lot about success first hand. In this video from "TED" John explains the difference between winning and succeeding. It's great to sit back and hear from those wise men who have gone before. Enjoy. Or you can check out more from John's TED Talk HERE

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Topics: Life Coaching

What Are You Passionate About?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Aug 4, 2014 7:16:00 PM

People ask me all the time "If you could do it over again, what would you change"?

I know three things I would change. I would... Save more. Give more. Laugh more. While success hasn't come easy and the road has been difficult at times, I am amazed at the adventure I have been on. I've seen and done more than I ever dreamed. And I'm blessed beyond measure with a wonderful family and incredible friends.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching

What Is The American Dream Today?

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 30, 2014 7:03:00 PM

Have you taken the time to imagine what the American Dream is for you?

Maybe you are too busy running around all day to even think about it?
  • You wake up At 5 AM when the alarm sounds. Feeling like you just went to bed, you hit the snooze twice before dragging yourself to the shower.
  • It is a performance worthy of the circus. Balancing your scalding hot coffee and breakfast bar as you navigate your car through the busy freeway. Not quite the start of the day you were hoping for.
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Topics: Life Coaching

Unexpectedly Finding Balance in Life

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 28, 2014 7:21:00 PM

I'll get to that later!

Recently, I took a day off to Kayak down the Caney Fork River with 8 of my buddies. Fishing was pretty lousy, but the company was amazing. What I thought was going to be a trip about fishing and making memories ended up being a trip learning about finding balance in life. It was so great to get caught up with everyone again. The business man in me enjoyed hearing how a couple of my friends made a killing with the recent sale of their companies.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching


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