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Want to know how to make your wife happy? Listen to her.

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 25, 2014 7:47:00 AM

I’m not sure what you said, I only know what I heard.

How many times over the course of a week do you misunderstand your wife? Did you misunderstand or did you just not listen?

Are you so busy you can’t slow down enough to understand what your wife is saying? Are you too quick to accuse your wife of being a “nag” when in reality she is just following up on something you promised you would take care of?

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Topics: Life Coaching

Simple Relationship Advice |Treat Your Family Like You Treat Your Friends

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 23, 2014 8:52:00 AM

Treat me like your friend, not like your spouse!

One of my favorite episodes of Everybody Loves Raymond is when Robert’s girlfriend calls Debra during a fight with Raymond. Debra’s demeanor suddenly and dramatically changes when she answers the phone. Instead of fuming and arguing, she is instantly laughing and joking with Amy like they just left a party at Cheers.
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Topics: Life Coaching

How To Give Good Advice To Your Grown Kids

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 21, 2014 8:51:00 AM

My wife and I have made a conscience effort to not “freely offer” up advice to our grown kids anytime we see them doing something we would do different.

While we believe our own 30 years of child rearing gives us some insights that could be helpful in different situations, we also know the value in letting our kids come to their own decisions about life and family.

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching, Family

What Does It Mean To Be Proactive

Posted by Aaron Walker on Jul 18, 2014 8:48:00 AM

Will you be proactive or reactive?



The proactive leader looks ahead at “what could be” and creates “what they want to be”.

The reactive leader is always surprised and overwhelmed by “what is” and stresses out hoping to get things to at least “what they used to be”.

Over the course of their lives which leader – proactive or reactive – do you think ends up wealthier, healthier and happier?

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Topics: Life Coaching, Coaching


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